Jumat, 13 Februari 2015

Tony Blair Still at Large

Hai! Apa kabar Sobat semua? Saya yakin Anda sehat. Jika tidak, smoga Sobat lekas sembuh dari penyakitnya? Kali ini kita akan membuka tema tentang Tony Blair Still at Large."Tony Blair was always very supportive of the US Bush Administrations war against Terror and was outspoken against those who he deemed as extremists, reactionary dangerous people i.e. those who strive for the implementation of Islamic Law, their supporters and anyone who wants to live under Sharia�ah law.

Now that he is out of power, he still holds a lot of influence and has maintained his involvement on the war on Islam through his new roles. One of his roles being the establishment of his Tony Blair Faith Foundation, whose mission statement is to �promote understanding of the world�s major religions and bring them into the political conversation.�

The other role and one that has the possibility to undermine true Islamic revival is his role as the Middle East representative of the Quartet, an interest group alliance of the United Nations, European Union, Russia and United states. With such a group, you can only imagine what they are getting up to. Surat al-Baqarah 11,12 come to mind:

�And when it is said the them, �make not mischief in the land,� they say, �We are only peace-makers.� Verily! They are the ones who make mischief but they do not perceive it.�

Even though Tony Blair is equally enigmatic towards Islam as his US counterpart George W. Bush, he is far more eloquent in speech and may not seem as hard core as Bush. Do not be fooled, he is still working hard influencing �moderate, secular Muslims� to mix up their Islam with secularism and democracy.

His Faith Foundation, promoting understanding between the major religions is nothing more than large scale interfaith dialogue, or as I prefer to call it inter-farce dialogue. In addition to the promoting mutual understanding is bringing people of faith into the political conversation (political conversion, ed.). It is obvious that his Foundation is an intellectual non-military counteraction to Islam, and the true Islam as revealed to the Prophet of Allah Muhammad Peace and blessing of Allah upon him. His aim is the democratisation of the Islamic world but through �peaceful� means - interfaith dialogue in other words.

According to Blair, there are only two alternatives to governance; democracy with human rights and freedom, or megalomaniacal dictatorship with blanket oppression. The leaders of Jihad and those who strive for Sharia�ah are far from megalomania. It would be more accurate to label the powers of the West, who are underscored by the Jews and big business as the megalomaniacal dictators with their greed and enjoyment of power over the people (especially over the Muslims because they are the largest and most potentially dangerous opposition to their world dominance) and then they crave more.

In a post-Prime Ministership interview with ABC journalist Geraldine Dougue, Blair said that the people of Iraq, if given the choice would not choose dictatorship. Of course not, who would? And that they just want to be able to raise their children and be educated. Of course they do, who wouldn�t? The subtext to his comments about what the people of Iraq wanted was that the only way they would get it was through democratic means, and the democracy he is referring to means the separation of religion and state thus resulting in the relegation of the religion into the sideshow as a largely ceremonial activity rather than a way of life. It is not possible for Islam to be separated from state affairs without serious dilution and corruption of the laws of Allah swt.

Once Islam is separated from issues of the state, the doors open for the invention of man-made laws which if not made with strong Islamic scaffolding are inherently faulty and lead to oppression. Anyway, wasn�t part of Tony Blair�s Mission statement to bring the major religions into the political conversation? That would suggest to me that he wants to let religion back into the fold and dilute secularism. But then again it is just conversation and perhaps a feel good activity on Blair�s part.....

More to come about interfaith dialogue."
Source : http://alghariba.blogspot.com/2010/01/tony-blair-still-at-large.html

         Akhirnya tiada kata yang paling indah kecuali puji syukur alhamdulillah pada Allah atas berjuta nikmat yang tercurah pada kami. Semoga dengan kupasan tentang bahasan ini bisa memberikan nilai dan kesungguhan dalam belajar. Mungkin cukup sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan mengenai Tony Blair Still at Large, ada kurang lebihnya serta kesalahan ucap baik yang saya sengaja atau tidak, saya mohon maaf.

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