Senin, 21 Desember 2015

Balangan Beach in the Basin Coral-Bali-Indonesia

Want sun bathing on the beach of Bali? No doubt in your mind immediately pictured the beach of Kuta, Seminyak, Legian, Sanur or Nusa Dua. No one, of course. The beaches are very popular with travelers visiting Bali. Although there are actually many other beaches are no less beautiful and interesting. Call it one of them is Balangan beach, an exotic beach premises are comfortable and quiet atmosphere for not crowded by tourists.

Want to go there? Easy! From Kuta, head towards the South to Uluwatu area. Just follow the road that leads Tourism objects Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK). Once in front of the pedestal region, continues until you find the intersection where the road left into the Bali Cliff, straight road to Uluwatu, and a right onto Beach Balangan. Just follow that road. Once stuck, about five miles from the intersection, you've reached the beach destination.

To reach the shore, you have to down the trail a little steep. Just relax, because after that you will find a stretch of white sand beach with beautiful clean. And, when you got there, it could be just you and a few Western tourists who were enjoying the beauty of it. No merchant acung, masseuse, or that interfere with other merchants.

Balangan beach is hidden. He is limited by about seven meters high cliff that sank into the part due to eroding tides. On the west, the beach is limited by the higher cliffs. It looks green Tebihng arena coral overgrown by trees. In the middle basin and the eastern cliffs cliffs west coast is Balangan unfold.

There, no caf sparkling kind seen in Kuta, Legian or Seminyak. That there is, just six simple cafes that lined the coconut trees along the coast. Cafes that also functions as an inn with a rate of about USD 75 thousand to $ 100 thousand per night.

Because of its location adjacent to the Dreamland beach, at ebb tide, you can walk down the beach toward the region. Really exciting. But be careful with sharp rocks found in several locations.

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Keberadaan Polri tentu tidak lepas dari visi Polri itu sendiri, sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam visinya bahwa Polri sebagai institusi yang mampu menjadi pelindung, pengayom dan pelayan masyarakat yang selalu dekat dan bersama-sama masyarakat, serta sebagai penegak hukum yang profesional dan proposional yang selalu menjunjung tinggi supremasi hukum dan hak azasi manusia. Serta hal yang paling urgen adalah Polri sebagai pemelihara keamanan dan ketertiban dan dapat mewujudkan keamanan dalam negeri bagi kehidupan nasional yang demokratis dan masyarakat yang sejahtera. 
Kurang lebih demikian yang tertuang dalam visi Polri. Sekarang pertanyaannya adalah apakah Polri dapat menagaplikasikan visi tersebut dengan baik, Apakah Polri betul-betul menjadi pengayom dan dekat dengan masyarakat atau sebaliknya menjadi momok yang menakutkan? Lalu bagaimana Polri dalam menjaga penegakan hukum atau supremasi hukum? Serta yang paling urgen apakah sejauh ini Polri betul-betul memberikan kemanan bagi Bangsa ini?

Sosok Polisi Masa Kini

 Zaman dulu orang ketika ditanya semenjak kecil, apa cita-citanya, mereka menjawab dengan gegap gempita dan begitu gagahnya, saya ingin menjadi polisi. Luar biasa bukan, betapa pada zaman dulu polisi merupakan sosok yang gagah, berani berjuang, ikhlas bhakti bina bangsa, hingga ia dijadikan sosok idaman masyarakat. Perspektif masyarakat terhadap polisi begitu apresiasi.
Lalu terjadi pergeseran citra, dewasa ini justru berbalik arah seratus delapan puluh derajat, ketika anak kecil ditanya cita-citanya, mereka justru antipati terhadap polisi mereka lebih memilih dokter dan guru. Bahkan masyarakat sekarang berasumsi negatif  terhadapa polisi. Mereka (orang tua) banyak yang berpesan kepada para kaum muda untuk tak jadi polisi karena persepsi mereka polisi tukang ngibulin, tukang meras. Disamping itu pula, di mata masyarkat muncul persepsi, kalau urusan dengan polisi tak ada lain solusinya yakni dengan fulus biar urusan mulus.
Asumsi tersebut diperkuat ketika saya pernah melihat kecelakaan lalu lintas antar dua pengendara sepeda motor, lalu ada beberapa orang yang menolongnya, dan disuruh sembunyi, motornyapun tak luput disembunyikan. Saya tak habis pikir melihatnya, lalu saya bertanya kepada salah seorang yang menolongnya, kenapa kok disembunyikan pak?, takut ada polisi, katanya. Saya bertanya lagi memang kenapa dengan polisi?, kalau kecelakaan berurusan dengan polisi urusannya jadi tambah ribet mas! tandasnya.
Realitas di atas menunjukkan citra Polri sudah bergeser dari asumsi positif terhadap asumsi negatif, tentu ini merupakan realitas yang tak dapat dipungkiri menajadi pukulan telat terhadap institusi Polri yang semula menjadi tumpuan masyarakat kini sudah berbalik arah. Orang sudah tidak mau berurusan dengan polisi.

Supremasi Hukum

Pisau tajam ke bawah tapi tumpul di atas. Kira-kira itulah yang sedang melanda penegakan hukum di negeri ini termasuk di lembaga kepolisian. Lihat saja kasus Mbok Minah yang mencuri buah kakaku, kemudian kasus pencurian sandal jepit oleh anak di bawah umur, termasuk pula, kasus tewasnya dua orang tahanan anak-anak di Kabupaten Sijunjung menciptakan masalah baru. Polisi menyimpulkan bahwa dua orang kakak beradik tersebut tewas karena bunuh diri, namun masyarakat termasuk pihak keluarga tak terima bahkan mereka menduga bahwa tewasnya dua tahanan tersebut disebabkan penganiayaan selama pemeriksaan oleh polisi. Termasuk terakhir yang menggencarkan publik,  kasus salah tangkap yang menimpa Ruben Pata Sambo dan anknya Markus Pata Sambo keduanya diduga menjadi korban salah tangkap di Polres tana Toraja. Dugaan tersebut muncul karena dalam pengembangan kasus setelah beberapa saat mereka divonis mati, Polres Tanah Toraja menangkap pelaku lain dalam kasus yang sama yakni Agustinus yang juga dijatuhi hukuman mati.
Supremasi hukum betul betul masih jauh dari harapan. Apalagi ditambah anggota kepolisian sendiri yang melawan hukum, sebut saja misalnya kasus korupsi, kasus pemerasan, kasus penganiayaan, serta konflik antara pori dengan TNI. Kesemuanya itu kerap kali menghiasi realitas masyarakat. Sehingga masyarakat sudah tak acuh dengan kredibilitas seorang Polisi.
Beberapa kasus tersebut di atas, sangat memberikan efek negatif bagi persepsi masyarakat, maka muncullah penilaian miring terhadap polisi. Sebab dalam penanganan sebuah masalah dalam masyarakat terkesan polisi bukan pada posisi sebagai problem solver tetapi sebaliknya sebagai prolem maker. Dengan kata lain jika terdapat persoalan di masyarakat polisi sering membuat masalah dalam masalah, masalah yang sedarinya merupakan masalah kecil tetapi jika disentuh polisi, dalam perspektif masyarakat masalah tersebut akan cenderung menjadi masalah besar.

Keamanan dan Kecemasan

Negara dianggap maju jika dapat menjamin rasa aman dan nyaman untuk kesejahteraan rakyatnya. Disamping TNI, Polri merupakan bagian dari penegak keamanan tersebut. Pertanyaannya apakah sejauh ini Negara Nusantara ini masyarakatnya mendapatkan keamanan dan kenyamanan yang maksimal untuk mencapai sebuah kesejahteraan?. Jawabnnya masih belum, sebab masih banyak tindakan-tindakan kriminal di negeri ini. Perampokan, penganiayaan, pelecehan, pemerkosaan, bahkan teror selalu menghiasi dalam mobilitas masyarakat. Akhir-akhir ini yang selalu mencuat aksi perampokan di siang bolong baik di toka-toko, Bank, Pasar, di Jalan, yang semua itu merupakan tempat umum. Rasionalitasnya jika mereka (perampok) berani melakukan aksinya ditempat keramaian di siang bolong, apalagi ditempat yang sepi di malam kelam. Silahkan direka-reka saja jawabannya.
Jadi menurut hemat saya, dari segi keamanan Negara ini hampir berada dalam zona merah, mengapa demikian?. Sebab sekarang orang melakukan tindak kriminal tidak perlu sembunyi lagi, ditempat yang sepi, di malam hari. Bahkan mereka (pelaku) dengan membusungkan dada, gagah berani, melakukannya ditengah keramaian umum. Sadis bukan, jika di tempat umum mereka sudah sebegitu beraninya mau ke mana lagi masyarakat untuk mendapatkan keamanan. Apakah perlu mengubur diri untuk bersembunyi?.
Realitas di atas tentu menjadi PR terhadap institusi kepolisisan sebagai pengayom dan pelindung masyarakat. Harapannya Polri bisa membenah diri, menjawab segala persoalan yang sekian hari kian akut. Polisi bukan lagi merupakan momok yang menakutkan lagi tetapi menjadi sosok pelindung, pembawa kabar gembira dan kembali menjadi tumpuan masyarkat serta dapat menjadi modeling behavior  yang baik bukan memberikan contoh yang baik dalam melawan hukum. Disamping itu pula, Polri diharapkan dapat menjaga kemanan dan kenyamanan masyarakat untuk mencapai kesejahteraan yang sempurna sehingga setiap ada masalah, polisi sebagai problem solver bukan sebagai problem maker.

Penulis adalah Peneliti di Center for Law and Public Policy Studies

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Pemain Smack Down Yg Meninggal Dengan Tragis

Pemain Smack Down Yg Meninggal Dengan Tragis
Smack down itu kayak dua sisi koin.Di satu sisi memberikan hiburan yg seru dan di sisi lainnya memiliki sejarah kelam yg tragis.Olahraga gulat yg keras nyatanya membuat para pegulatnya berguguran.Meski tidak meninggal secara langsung di atas ring, misalnyaumpamanya karena aksi banting dan dibanting,tetapi ada fakta yg menarik terungkap di sini.Para pegulat itu meninggal karena konsumsi obat obatan dan narkoba.

Industri olahraga gulat yg dikemas dengan drama dan skenario itu ibaratnya sebuah drama TV.Alhasil,para pemainnya harus tampil prima setiap waktu.Tidak jarang mengonsumsi doping sertadan suplemen berlebih dapat memberikan efek samping,misalnya penyakit jantung.Ada juga yg lebih ekstrim,saat seorang pegulat mengalami penyakit dementia, kemudian frustasi dan membantai keluarganya.Hii...ngeri juga ya drama Smackdown di luar ring,penasaran siapa saja para pegulat yg meninggal secara tragis?

Berikut adalah 5 Pemain Smack Down Yg Meninggal Dengan Tragis :

1. Chris Benoit
Kemungkinan,ini adalah tragedi paling kelam dalam peristiwa WWE dan Smack down sepanjang masa.Tragedi ketika Chris Benoit ditemukan tewas beserta keluarga kecilnya pada Juni 2007 silam.Yg memilukan,istri dan putra Chris meninggal di tangannya sendiri. Chris dikabarkan telah membunuh mereka kemudian ia sendiri melakukan bunuh diri.Chris diduga mengonsumsi bermacam obat obatan terlarang sebelum melakukan aksinya. Belakangan,Chris dinyatakan telah lama menderita karena penyakit Dementia dan kerusakan otak.

2. Junk Yard Dog
Nama Junk Yard Dog masih sangat awam bagi pecinta Smack down di Indonesia. Pasalnya,pria bernama asli Sylvester Ritter ini eksis di ring pada periode 90-an.Karir gulatnya pun berhenti di tahun 1998.Ketika ia meninggal dalam sebuah kecelakaan lalu lintas.Ia tidak bisa mengendalikan laju kendaraan yg dikemudikan karena kantuk. Tragisnya,kecelakaan itu terjadi kala Sylvester menghadiri kelulusan sekolah putrinya.

3. Blue Blazer
Aksi pegulat yg bertanding secara ekstrim seakan jadi keseruan tersendiri.Akan tetapi,aksi tersebut harus dibayar mahal ketika Blue Blazer tewas di atas ring,bahkan di depan keluarga dan fansnya.Pegulat bernama lengkap Owen Hart meninggal secara tragis setelah mengalami kecelakaan saat bertanding.

Ia terjatuh dari ketinggian 50 kaki dengan kepala terlebih dahulu menyentuh tanah. Kecelakaan itu terjadi saat Owen bergelantungan pada tali,tapi kemudian tali tersebut putus.Insiden ini terjadi pada pertandingan World Wrestling Federation yg digelar di Kemper Arena Kansas City,pada tahun 1999.Owen meninggal pada usia 34 tahun.
Baca Juga:Manfaat durian untuk kecantikan

4. Umaga
Edward Fatu atau dikenal dengan nama ring Umaga,Jamal,dan Eddie ini meninggal dunia pada usia 36 tahun.Pada tahun 2009, Umaga mengalami serangan jantung yg merenggut nyawanya.Itu adalah serangan jantung kedua yg dialami pegulat asal Samoa tersebut . Belakangan diketahui jika penyebab serangan jantung itu adalah obat-obatan yg dikonsumsi oleh Umaga.Kombinasi dari efek obat hydrocodone,Carisoprodol dan Diazepam memicu serangan jantung yg dialami oleh Umaga.
Baca Juga:Mobil Termahal didunia

5. Richard Edwin Mood
Juara World Champion 5 kali berturut, Richard Edwin Mood atau Ravishing Rick Rude jadi lawan tangguh di atas ring.Selain itu,Richard juga memproklamirkan dirinya sebagai The Sexiest Man Alive, pantas banyak lawannya dibuat minder.Akan tetapi,karir Richard harus terhenti di usia 40 tahun.Nyawa Richard tidak bisa tertolong lagi saat serangan jantung terjadi padanya di tahun 1999 Hasil otopsi menyebutkan jika di dalam tubuh Richard terdapat berbagai macam obat-obatan,yg akhirnya jadi kesimpulan penyebab kematiannya.

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Selukat Temple

Selukat Temple
            Selukat temple located in the village of Keramas, Blahbatuh , Gianyar about 15 Km from Denpasar. This temple is a place for people of Bali to appeal the holy water for riddance. Once upon a time in ancient times, there is a clergyman at the magic of this place. One day , this pastor walked around a village who suffered the decease of his family. The familys have been have death invoked this riddance holy water to the pastor to clean the spirit of his family who have died. Because there are no spring in place, the clergyman took the paddy water for this village.The water then given as a riddance the spirit of the deceased.  The resident didn?t believe that this holy water can purified spirit is taken from his family because of dirty water. Therefore, the water is then discarded . Holy water is then turned out to be the clear spring. Resident of there trust if the holy water is magical. He announced to the citizens of all the event. Furthermore, the emergence of this spring became Selukat temple, where resident begged the holy water for his family who have died . So at every purified the spirit, such as cremation and Mamukur, Balinese usually invoke the holy water in the temples.
Selukat Temple as Holy Symbol
?Jnyanam tapo ?gniraharaumrin?
?manovaryupajanam vayuh?
?kamarkakalau ca sudheh?
?krtrini dehinam?
 (Manawa Dharmasastra, V.105)
Meaning: that purification for living things is science, the sanctity of fire, sacred food, motherland, 
mind control, bhasma water, wind, sacred rites, the sun and the time
               Definition of purification in this temple is holy in body and mind. Holy spiritually is a pro-
cess to  eliminate  the  influences  klesa  in  man.  Klesa means dirty. There are five of Klesa which 
means  darkness  that is Awidya  soul means  feel smart, rich, young, strong,  aristocratic, beautiful 
or   handsome.  Asmita  means  selfish, Dwesa  is malice and  Abhiniwesa  is  fear.  If  five klesa it 
dominates a person's life, life exactly  become a  dirty life. To  rid yourself of soiled the power five 
klesa  is  not easy. Really need  a conviction to against  klesa. To strengthen   the mental and moral
that people should invoke God's guidance. This is seemed based of mind ancestor of  Hindus in the 
village of Keramas, Blahbatuh, Gianyar. That is causing  Selukat temple in  the middle of rice field 
in Subak Tuas. This temple is to worship God and it?s  manifestation as a  conduit of riddence with 
holy water as  symbol  because in liturature of  Hindus can use  means  like motherland, agni, solar,  
sacred ceremonies, and so on. But, in Bhuwana Kosa  sanctification  with Jnyana or  sacred science 
is ultimate. If this  Jnyana  applied  appropriately  to  strengthen  the  love of God (God Abhimana), 
the truth and the sacred duty (dharma Abhimana) and love  the  homeland  in the form  of devotion 
to the homeland (Village Abhimana).
            In the temple Selukat there are  two statues of Pandita.  For remember the function pastor to 
lead  the  people to explore  the teaching  of contained in sacred literature. As a guide the faithful in 
sacred  literature  to  explore  the  contents  of  clergymans called Acarya.  While  clergymans  who 
?Ngaloka Pala Sraya?  leads  sincere  ceremony in the field called Srotria. Two functions of clergy-
mans who symbolized as Pandita statue in the temple  Selukat. Two clergymans  function is guiding 
the society with religious social life. When clergymans have reached the level sanyasin, appropriate 
of Agastia Parwa incorrect  again to be involved  in public life.  Sanyasin means to escape  from the 
mundane life at all. The simply concern only?patilaring tanupa guruken Atma?. That is just learned  
continues to release Atma of his body sarira. Selukat Temple is a temple to guide  the general public
This temple as the basis why there  only  two  Pandita  statue in  the temple Selukat. In addition, the 
guidance of pastors as  Adi Guru Loka is guiding people to get  spiritual  guidance and  worldly life  
or in the  life here  and noetic. The main function  Selukat  temple is as  relational to invoke God to 
purify his life on this earth. Lord as god of water riddence is Ganesha. The function is as Wighnagh-
na god or Wighneswara god and Vinayaka  god. God worshiped  as a god  Wighnaghna to get confi-
dence for against life obstacle that comes from outside ourself.

With worship Gana god, that believed to protect youfrom outside attacks yourself. While Holy water to against disruptionof life that comes from within. Holy water is symbol of the power of Lord Shiva. In Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is the father of Lord Ganesh. This illustrates that the enemy inside of ourself much more powerful than the enemy that from outside the self. In Kekawin Nitisastra stated: ?Norana satru mengelwihaning hana geleng ri hati?. That means, no enemy more than the enemywho is inside. This is the logic of whythe god of holy water is Gana God. Gana God as a guide to motivate people, so that not underestimated the enemy is within ourself. The enemy within ourself much too stronger than the enemy outside because God who worshiped in creating holy water is Lord Sivha. While the holy wateris Gana God.  Beside, Gana God as wellas the god Wigheswara, The god as Vinayaka god too. Vinayaka godis God in manifestation as "the god of Wisdom." Vinayaka meanswise. Wise isa step taken bya healthy sense controlled by the intelligence of the mind with the conscious control budhi. In circumstances like that the sanctity of ourself can be realized.
The purpose of human is born into this world is to make the bodyor sarira thisas a tool to achieve the four goals of life. This is stated in the Brahma Purana  45.228. Dharma, Artha, Kamaand Mokshanam sadhanam sarira. This means that the body (sarira) thishave to use as a tool to get Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. To obtain the conditions necessary to encourage wiseman purification efforts. Ablutions include building physical health tenth instrument of sensual touch. Furthermore,building intelligence mind with the development of science. In sloka Hindu lawcited above is a sacredfood as a means of self purification to buildtool sense of health. While science calledJnyana it as a means of self-purification first. Bhuwana Kosa statedthat science is the most important means of purification. So, holy water of Selukat temple is  a meaning that has multidimensional for building a virtuous life as the basic for building

Smelting ?Calamity?, Purified yourself at Selukat Temple
              Quietness and  peace that flowed for  Hindus who come to thistemple for riddance from cala-
mity and purify themselves . The  water of life flows so naturally  from the earth to the surface . They 
come with sincerity to Selukat temple, seeking peace of mind and peace of heart and soul. They come
folded hands and purified at Temple Selukat to cleanse themselves of some calamity. Not only limited
to social class,  those  who come  melukat at Temple Selukat also have the instructions to recover their 
illness. A clergyman or priest are also not quit for Petirtaan temple in Pakerisan River channel .
               Although not as large temple, but did not reduce the meaning of greatness Ida Hyang Widhi 
Wasa  in various manifestation as Tri Murti. Selukat Pura located Subak rice fields in Tuas, Keramas 
village,  Blahbatuh,  Gianyar. It was  about about 8 acres  divided into Tri Mandala, namely Jaba side,  
in the middle and main. The Main Mandala (innards) are building Padmasana as Stana Hyang Widhi,
place for saved and a pair of statues clergyman. In the middle of a compound (intermediate mandala
there is only a  channel in which  there is a shower with channel of the fountain at Selukat temple. In 
channel there are springs comprised of three sources, from the west, north and east. While in the Jaba  
side  of the  building there is a Pesandekan (resting)  and two  showers that water comes from sources 
within the ancestral shrines to riddence for residents who came to the temple Selukat. 

               Habits of local residents that every wish riddence at Selukat temple not necessarily directly 
to just getting into innards. Although it has been equipped with the offerings accompanied by the cus-
tomary dress for prayer, ridden journey begins with the first self cleaning (shower) on the banks of the
 River Solas Sowan, which is located east of the temple. After the new bathroom done ridden by func-
tionary with water from the channel  for the next guided into the innards. In this place, performed pra-
yers begging to be abolished calamity. The word '' selukat ", accorded one of the characters Puri Kera-
mas and author of I Gusti Agung Wiyat S. Ardhi, derived from the word" Sulukat "-" Su "means good
and " lukat "  means of purification - a cleanse themselves in order to gain favor, kerahayuan. Selukat  
temple is   believed to  cleanse oneself in noetic , capable of  curing some disease. Those people who  
come to the Selukat temple are those who are stoned diseases like bebai, mind frantic/chaotic, and so

            The existence of the Selukat temple during for many years was not known. Of the various sources mentioned, the existence of thisother than the name Selukat temple contained in Usada Bebai, alsocontained in the Kusuma Gods and Keramas temple. In Dewa Kusumawhere mentioned in relation Ida Batara SaktiMount Agung Bees for given holy water from Telaga Waja lake, the holy water of Selukatthere is in the middle of the ocean. However in the Purana Keramas mentioned that thetemple Selukat Keramasknown as the fountain of living waters. This temple is expect to be find almost simultaneously withPura Masceti, by I Gusti Agung Maruti. When leaving Caucanoes (Jimbaran), toward the northeast, accompanied 1,100 troops arrive somewhere and find bebaturan, located in the forest, close to the beach which is now called Pura Masceti.

               Definition of purification in this temple is holy in body and mind. Holy spiritually is a process to eliminate the influences klesa in man. Klesa means dirty. There are five of Klesa which means darkness that is Awidya soul means  feel smart, rich, young, strong, aristocratic, beautiful or handsome. Asmita means selfish, Dwesa is malice and Abhiniwesa is fear. If five klesa it dominates a person's life, life exactly become a dirty life. To rid yourself of soiled the power five klesa is not easy. Really need a conviction to against klesa. To strengthen the mental and moral that people should invoke God's guidance. This is seemed based of mind ancestor of Hindus in the village of Keramas, Blahbatuh, Gianyar. That is causing Selukat temple in the middle of rice field in Subak Tuas. This temple is to worship God and it?s manifestation as a conduit of riddence with holy water as symbol because in liturature of Hindus can use means like motherland, agni, solar, sacred ceremonies, and so on. But, in Bhuwana Kosa sanctification with Jnyana or sacred science is ultimate. If this Jnyana applied appropriately to strengthen the love of God (God Abhimana), the truth and the sacred duty (dharma Abhimana) and love the homeland in the form of devotion to the homeland (Village Abhimana).

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