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Rabu, 02 Maret 2016

DPR minta pemerintah audit proyek WWF

Wakil Ketua Komisi IV DPR Firman Subagyo. (ANTARA)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Wakil Ketua Komisi IV DPR Firman Subagyo minta pemerintah mengaudit semua proyek yang dikelola World Wildlife Fund (WWF) mengingat lembaga swadaya masyarakat itu diduga terlibat penyimpangan dana dalam proyek inisiatif di Tanzania, Afrika.

"Kemungkinan penyimpangan itu bisa saja terjadi di Indonesia. Karena itu, pemerintah harus melakukan audit menyeluruh dari semua proyek yang dikelola oleh WWF," kata Firman di Jakarta, Senin.

Apalagi, menurut dia, banyak lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM) yang melakukan aktivitasnya hanya untuk kepentingan asing dan kadang tidak objektif. "Mereka kerap memandang persoalan yg dihadapi Indonesia dari sisi yang berbeda dan ini sangat merugikan," kata Firman.

Firman mengatakan audit keuangan harus dilakukan menyeluruh dan tidak hanya terkait donasi yang diterima dari pihak luar saja. WWF juga wajib mempertanggungjawabkan donasi perseorangan yang kerap dikumpulkannya di berbagai tempat keramaian, seperti mal, katanya.

Menurut dia DPR juga sudah meminta kepada Badan Intelejen Nasional (BIN) dan Polri untuk menyelidiki dan menindak tegas Lembaga Swadaya Asing (LSM) yang aktivitasnya diragukan pemerintah. "Bila perlu, usir mereka jika dalam setiap aktivitasnya menimbulkan kerugian negara," tegas Firman.

Sebelumnya, Consumer Alliance for Global Prosperity (CAGP) dalam pernyataannya yang dikutip AsiaNet menyatakan WWF sebagai salah satu organisasi lingkungan hidup terbesar di dunia tengah berupaya menyelamatkan reputasinya setelah pemerintah Norwegia memutuskan untuk menghentikan bantuan kepada kelompok tersebut.

Penghentian bantuan itu terkait dengan terungkapnya penggelapan dana yang ditujukan untuk inisiatif di Tanzania telah digelapkan WWF.

Editor: Desy Saputra

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Mind games

I go back and forth between wanting to share really personal things about my anxiety and inner struggles here - but ultimately I think it is both cathartic for me and possibly helpful to people that might experience similar things. This also serves as a way that I can chart progress as well as remember previous states to learn from. So. With that being said this week was weird. I'll start with the mileage...

Monday: 4.12 miles
Tuesday: 6 miles (2.5 WU, 10 X :30 on, :60 off, CD)
Wednesday: off
Thursday: off
Friday: 3.10 miles
Saturday: 4.54 miles
Sunday: 6.00 miles

Total miles run: 23.76

I'm finishing up a big project at work and ended up working more than I'd planned Wednesday and Thursday, and Saturday I had 9 miles on my plan but only made it 4.5. Not that I collapsed or anything, well, ok maybe mentally collapsed. I emotionally could not complete the run. Maybe it was compounded stress from trying to get things done at work or some critical thoughts I had the previous night, but I started feeling panicky 2 miles into my run, lost control of my breathing and heart rate and felt the overwhelming feeling that I was going to sob. It wasn't due to some thoughts I was dwelling on in my brain - more a wave of 'sickness' that overcame me out of nowhere. I tried to suppress it for a while and get my rhythm back but I couldn't. What I've come to conclude is it was a panic attack, which I hadn't experienced since last July.

I ended up pulling off the trail and walking through some neighborhoods and embarrassingly - cried some. I felt incredibly ridiculous and weak. Eventually I collected myself and ran back to the car to wait for Scott, who instantly knew something was wrong as he never saw me again during his run. Once we were back at home I shut myself in the bedroom and cried for about 5 minutes. And then it was done. Out. Like a stomach virus that you need to vomit up. It's fucking weird.

Sunday we met with the group run again where easily finished 6 miles, at just sub-9:00 pace, all while chatting with a friend.

So.... begrudgingly, I admit that I still have some personal things to sort through. Or am sorting through. Things that are intrinsically tied to running and eating and image. How does one get out of their head?

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Pengawasan obat dan makanan

Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Di Puskesmas Maesan

Tujuan Pengawasan Obat dan makanan :
1. Kepastian perlindungan kepada konsumen masyarakat terhadap produksi, peredaran dan penggunaan sediaan farmasi dan makanan yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan mutu, keamanan, khasiat.
2. Memperkokoh perekonomian nasional dengan meningkatkan daya saing industri farmasi dan makanan yang berbasis pada keunggulan.

Budaya Organisasi :
Untuk membangun organisasi yang efektif dan efisien, budaya organisasi Badan POM dikembangkan dengan nilai-nilai dasar sebagai berikut :
1. Profesionalisme
Menegakkan profesionalisme dengan integritas, obyektivitas, ketekunan dan komitmen yang tinggi.
2. Kredibilitas
Memiliki kredibilitas yang diakui oleh masyarakat luas, nasional dan internasional.
3. Kecepatan (speed)
Tanggap dan cepat dalam bertindak mengatasi masalah.
4. Kerja sama (Teamwork)
Mengutamakan kerjasama tim dalam sistem kerjanya.
Prinsip dasar sistem pengawasan obat dan makanan (SISPOM) yaitu :
1. Tindakan pengamanan cepat, tepat, akurat dan professional
2. Tindakan dilakukan berdasarkan atas tingkat risiko dan berbasis bukti-bukti ilmiah
3. Lingkup pengawasan bersifat menyeluruh, mencakup seluruh siklus proses
4. Berskala nasional/lintas propinsi, dengan jaringan kerja internasional
5. Otoritas yang menunjang penegakan supremasi hukum
6. Memiliki jaringan laboratorium nasional yang kohesif dan kuat yang berkolaborasi dengan jaringan global.
7. Memiliki jaringan sistem informasi keamanan dan mutu produk

Badan POM sampai kini sangat berperan dalam mengawasi peredaran Obat dan Makanan di Indonesia. Namun, beberapa budaya diatas secara ironis di lapangan, kerap kali tidak berjalan. Malahan, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat, yang nota bene bukan lembaga resmi Pemerintah, lebih aktif dalam melindungi konsumen dari peredaran obat dan makanan yang tidak memenuhi syarat, sebut saja ada YLKI disana..

Semoga artikel dapat membuka mata para Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, agar lebih baik lagi dalam bekerja dan melindungi masyarakat.
Jangan sampai ada mitos bahwa, ?..jika ada 1 pabrik atau produsen yang melanggar, maka sesungguhnya sudah ada 100 produsen lainnya yang ?bebas? tidak menjalankan fungsinya..?. Semoga Bermanfaat!!

by Ns Munir

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Door Buck - Stairwell Walls - Landbridge

Today we worked on installing the basement door buck and the block which surrounds it. Brant and Peter worked diligently to ensure sound wall units were constructed for the stairwell. We also built a "land bridge" which connects us to the outside world.

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Google Adsense ( a little explain ) :)

Okay, i'll give u a little explain about google adsense, to be honest actually i'm not a master at all on it.This is just a basic theory, glad if it can be useful for u as a begginer on make money online's world..

Adsense is one of Google's programs which gives you the ability to have advertisements on your website without working too much and get revenue for those advertisements when someone click them. In the last few years this program got so popular that people started to create websites just to display the ads and make money online from Google's Adsense. You can make free online money with Adsense if you just put enough time on learning how to use this powerful tool. Think about it, anyone who clicks on one of the ads in your site would give you revenue of a dollar or sometimes even 15 dollar!! Of course it depends on how much money that ad worth.

Why Google give away free online money?
I know you all probably thinking there is some catch here - no one gives away free money. There is no catch in Adsense, Google is getting paid from advertisers and you get paid for helping Google enlarge their advertise radius over the Internet. This means you all win, the advertiser spreads his products/websites or anything else over the Internet, Google get paid from this advertiser and you get paid from Google, so simple! This technique helps Google - the more traffic means - more chance advertiser site get visited. Remember, everytime the advertiser site get visited he gets charged - meaning you get more money for every click from your page. You have to remember that every ad have different market value, it all depends on how much the advertiser is willing to pay to Google.

The Adsense program know how to monitor your page information and match this information to an advertisement. The only thing you have to do is insert a JavaScript code to your page which you get from Adsense website after signing up!

So, generally there are few basic things to do:
Find a subject which you really like and starting writing about it,the subject called "niche".

Sign up to the Adsense program.

Get free hosting + domain, you can find many of those on the web.

Insert the JavaScript code you get from Adsense program to your site.

You can also increase the chance your site gets visited by advertising yourself in Yahoo or Google.But this thing need an extra money, yes u must pay for it.

One thing to remember, try to do not copy information from other websites, because duplicate content doesn't get displayed by the search engines.yeah, but u can copy and then translate it on your own way of course..:)

The really basic things u need in order to get credited from google is traffic on your site.
No traffic = no money :)

That's it, sounds easy? not at all, adsense absolutely need a little effort to do in order to get really understand the tips and trick of it.
Good luck mate !!
no try = useless...


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Brisk forming healthy heart.

Stop if wheezing.
The position of the fast

Brisk walking has many benefits for heart health. For patients with heart disease, brisk walking is recommended as a substitute for running sports.
The main focus in the fast motion is heel. Movement forward in a quick way done continuously without connection off the ground, meaning that the front foot heel should touch the ground before the heel of the back foot leaves the ground, and it is done continuously until completion.
Is actually quite easy to do a brisk walk, do not require a lot of equipment, everyone can do on the sidelines of busyness.
Brisk walking is a physical activity that is able to keep up the lifestyle of urban communities. Usually they do not have much free time to exercise. In fact, lack of exercise can lead to a heart shape is not normal, ie, space, cells in the heart narrows. Of course it can have fatal consequences, because it suggested a brisk walk as exercise to prevent it.
Do brisk walking on a regular basis so that expands cardiac cell room with nice and perfect.
brisk walking

When myocyte length increases at the same time widening, no fibrosis and no cardiac dysfunktion. Take thirty minutes a day is enough.
Basically the ability of each person is different. Brisk walking can be stopped when you are tired is characterized by shortness of breath.
Sweating not indicative of the success of the sport, you will be able to reap the benefits of a brisk walk to the limit already panting breath, because the exercise aims to make the body more fit, not exhausting.
To determine the success of a brisk walk, you can check the pulse of your wrist. Conditions most stable pulse is when you just woke up. If the pulse rate of 60-100 times per minute, the shape of your heart is normal.
A person can check the pulse of every day. If the number of pulses is lower when compared to the previous day, the sport you are doing can be a success.
The lower the pulse rate (normal means or without complaint) that indicates the form of a normal heart.
The lower your pulse is getting better, it means the condition of the body in a state fit. For example, the pulse 60 beats per minute is said to be better than 70 times per minute.
Due to the fast path relies on the heels, wear shoes with flat surface (without heels) and fit (fitting with the size of the foot). This can prevent the pain in the heel after a brisk walk.


Leg movement.

1. Lift the thigh. then swing to the front of the knee (hind limb weakness).
2. Touching the ground with the heel first pedestal. This is done simultaneously with the other leg raised heel.
3. Perform a continuous basis.

Movement of the body.

Starting the head, back, chest and waist bent slightly forward.

Arm movements.

Bend elbows about 90 degrees. Swing your left arm forward in conjunction with the raised leg or right leg. Furthermore, swing your right arm along with the left foot. And so on.


Using comfortable shoes.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
Name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 10 November 2014 at 15:57
Tag : Brisk forming healthy heart.
Code : 42S4EUXRR3UM

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Pertemuan ke-10

Ini pertemuan ke-10. Atau kali ke-3 di Surau Ar Rahman. Dihadiri 19 orang. Seperti biasa pertemuan diawali dengan sambungrasa. Pukul 20.30 acara tahlil dimulai dengan imam tahlil Ust Dirun. Empat puluh menit sesudahnya yaitu pukul 21.10 kegiatan pengajian/tanya jawab seputar ibadah sholat wajib bersama narasumber utama: Ust. Hartono, S.PdI., M.Pd.
Biasanya kegiatan diakhiri pukul 22.00 namun karena keasyikan dalam bertanya jawab menjadikan molor belasan menit. Tidak apa-apa. Insya Allah makin banyak manfaat.

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Scuba diving is well on the way to becoming one of the fastest growing recreational sports enjoyed by both the young and old.

Divers travel thousands of miles to experience the amazing wonders of the underwater realm and where better than to the bio-diversity hotspot of Southern Asia - Sabah, Malaysian Borneo.

With its sandy beaches, tropical islands, blue waters, coral reefs and atolls, Sabah has several dive sites rated to be amongst the top ten in the world and many more yet to be truly explored.

In fact a diver may find rare or endangered sea creatures such as green and hawksbill turtles, napolean wrasse, giant clams, as well as countless species of sharks and schools of thousands of barracuda and jacks.

Sabah is not only known for its reef's larger inhabitants but also as a 'Muck diving' paradise with such rarities as the mimic octopus, flamboyant cuttlefish mandarin fish, harlequin ghost pipefish plus many types of weird and wonderful frogfish and nudibranchs.

These underwater delights are not restricted to the certified diver; snorkelers and hopeful divers may enroll in one of the many PADI affiliated dive courses run at any of Sabah's dive resorts.

Whatever your underwater wish, Sabah's seas and coral reefs can easily fulfill and surpass your wildest dream.

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Jam bisa menimbulkan
radioaktif,walaupunhanya sedikit, tapi kalau terlalu lama memakainya bisa berbahaya .


Gelombang Medan magnet yang ditimbulkan oleh alat electronik ini, dapat merusak system syaraf kita.


Hal ini dapat menimbulkan masalah pada
kulit kita,karena kulit tdk dpt bernafas. Selain itu bisa bikin jerawatan.

Karena itu berdosa dan berbahaya. ^_^

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