Senin, 25 April 2016

The art of traveling: Powerful people do not walk!, Part II

Mwezi Gisabo of Burundi on a stretcher (Photogrphy by Mayer)
I just found two other pictures in my archive, which illustrate the art of travelling in interlacustrine Africa. The first shows the King of Burundi, Gisabo, on a stretcher. He is covered by a veil. For the rulers of the region, travel was a risky undertaking. There was a certain regime of visibilty in place for them. Only few of his subjects encountered the ruler face-to-face. Because he was thought to be the embodiment of his country, his body was a political and religious symbol. The king was at the core of the most important rituals and ceremonies and surrounded by a wall of taboos. Travel was one of these taboos. It was not allowed to him to cross the borders of the country or to enter some places.

The Secretary of Colonial Affairs, Bernhard Dernburg, during his visit in the colony in 1907.

The other picture shows the Secretary of Colonial Affairs on the march through the colony in 1907. It was the first visit of the highest ranking colonial official in the colony. The interlacustrine part of German East Africa was one of the key place he visited. Dernburg was the first Secretary of Colonial Affairs, who came not from an aristocratic background, but from the bourgeois strata of the Empire. In the run-up of his journey to Africa, Dernburg often expressed his disgust for the dominance of aristocratic and militaristic patterns in the culture of German colonizers. On his arrival in Dar es Salaam, he demonstrated this disgust by wearing not an uniform, but a suit. This then caused a little scandal among the German public in the colony. During his journey, however, he increasingly admired the hybrid culture of the German landed aristocracy and African ways of dealing with the powerful. In a certain way he was "colonized" by the colonizers and the colonized to fit into the patterns of political representation. One way this was done was certainly the way to travel. Powerful people do not walk!

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Siklus Diesel Ideal

Siklus Diesel Ideal
Diesel Cycle : The Ideal Cycle for Compression-Ignition Engines

 Siklus Diesel adalah siklus ideal untuk mesin torak pengapian-kompresi yang pertama kali dinyatakan oleh Rudolph Diesel tahun 1890. Prinsip kerjanya sama halnya dengan mesin torak pengapian-nyala, yang dinyatakan oleh Nikolaus A. Otto tahun 1876, hanya perbedaan utamanya dalam hal metode inisiasi pembakarannya. Pada mesin torak pengapian-nyala (disebut juga mesin bensin) campuran udara-bahan bakar dikompresi ke temperatur di bawah temperatur pembakaran-sendiri (auto-ignition) dari bahan bakarnya, kemudian proses pembakarannya diinisiasi oleh percikan bunga api dari busi. Sedangkan pada mesin torak pengapian kompresi (disebut juga mesin diesel), udara dikompresi ke temperatur di atas temperatur auto-igniton dari bahan bakarnya, kemudian pembakaran dimulai saat bahan bakar yang diinjeksikan kontak dengan udara panas tersebut. Jadi, pada mesin diesel, busi dan karburator digantikan oleh peranan penginjeksi bahan bakar (fuel-injector).

 Siklus diesel ideal menggunakan asumsi berikut: (1) fluida kerja udara-standar yang berprilaku seperti gas ideal; (2) penambahan kalor berlangsung pada proses tekanan konstan yang dimulai saat piston berada pada titik mati atas. Siklusnya sendiri seperti terlihat pada diagram P-v dan T-s di samping. Siklus tersebut terdiri dari empat buah proses berantai yang reversibel secara internal. Proses 1-2 kompresi isentropik, Proses 2-3 penambahan kalor, pada siklus Otto kalor dipindahkan ke fluida kerja pada volume konstan, sedangkan pada siklus diesel, kalor dipindahkan ke fluida kerja pada tekanan konstan. Proses 3-4 ekspansi isentropik, dan Proses 4-1 pelepasan kalor pada volume konstan, di mana kalor keluar dari udara ketika piston berada pada titik mati bawah.
Efisiensi siklus Diesel berbeda dengan effisiensi siklus Otto, di mana nth,Otto > nth,Diesel. Ini berlaku untuk siklus yang keduanya beroperasi pada rasio kompresi yang sama. Seperti terlihat pada diagram nth,Diesel-r di samping, semakin tinggi rasio kompresi maka efisiensi akan semakin tinggi pula. Effisiensi siklus Diesel tergantung dari besarnya rasio cut-off, di mana bila rasio cut-off turun, maka efisiensi siklus Diesel akan naik. Efisiensi siklus Diesel dan Otto akan identik bila rasio cut-off sama dengan 1 (rc = 1).
 Mesin Diesel bekerja pada rasio kompresi yang lebih tinggi daripada mesin bensin tetapi lebih efisien. Ini dikarenakan pada mesin Diesel bahan bakar terbakar seluruhnya walaupun bekerja pada putaran mesin yang rendah sekalipun. Karena lebih efisien dan rendahnya pemakaian bahan bakar (irit BBM), mesin Diesel dipilih untuk aplikasi kendaraan berat (mesin yang membutuhkan daya yang besar) seperti mesin kereta api (locomotive), unit pembangkit daya (generator-set), kapal laut pengangkut, truk/trailer berat, dll.

Di dalam contoh link berikut akan dijelaskananalisis siklus Diesel ideal.

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CSC's Second Annual Shakespeare Smackdown (SHAKE SMACK)!

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to perform on CSC's stage?After this past Monday's Second Annual Shakespeare Smackdown Scene and Monologue Contest, there are now 50+ middle and high school students hailing from schools in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens that can tell you exactly what that experience is like.
NextGen members Quiana and Carla,
the hosts of the Second Annual SHAKE SMACK

Weeks before the event, in groups of 1-5, participants received a pre-assigned scene from THE TEMPEST - this year's Young Company show - and began to rehearse. On the night of the event, they presented their scenes in the order that they occur in the play, so that for the audience, it was almost like watching a full production!
The illustrious judges! From left: Director Jimmy
Maize, andactresses Ito Aghayere and Abbi Hawk.

Students looked forward to seeing the roles they were playing interpreted differently by their fellow "cast members" and could be overheard complimenting one another following the performance, as they mingled about in excited anticipation of the judges' decision. Special guests - cast members of the Young Company's production of THE TEMPEST - were also on hand to enjoy the performance and congratulate the participants.

The first place winners, presenting Act 4 Scene 1 (Part B) from Cardinal Spellman High School in the Bronx
The second place winners, presenting Act 3 Scene 2 (Part B) from Harlem AcademyMiddle School in Manhattan
The third place winners, presenting Act 1 Scene 2 (Part D)from Cardinal Spellman High School in the Bronx

First, Second, and Third place winners were awarded tickets to future CSC shows and workshops for their schools, and all participants were awarded a cool SHAKE SMACK tee-shirt to show off their achievement.

Congratulations to all!

Shake Smack!

"Watch thy back."

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Ć¢€The Essences of RealityĆ¢€, Eastern European contemporary artists @ Brukenthal Museum Sibiu

?The Essences of Reality?, Eastern European contemporary artists @ Brukenthal Museum Sibiu

(H) GYRFFY Lszl | HERMAN Levente | MISETICS Mtys (H)
(RO) Radu BELCIN | Francisc CHIUARIU | Flavia PITI | Bogdan RAA (RO)

6 Tribunei str.,Sibiu, RomaniaOpening: Friday November 8, 2013, 15.00Open: 08.11.2013 ? 08.01.2014, Tuesday-Sunday 10.00 ? 18.00

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