Jumat, 15 Januari 2016

7 Fakta menarik tentang payudara wanita

Mereka lembut, hangat, indah, goyang, sensitif, seksi, curvy, tapi selain dari ini adalah Anda mengetahui adanya fakta menarik lainnya tentang payudara wanita?

Payudara mungkin bagian yang paling indah dari tubuh wanita. Mereka dengan mudah dapat dihitung di antara salah satu hal pertama yang pria perhatikan pada wanita. Wanita selalu sadar tentang payudara mereka, namun, dengan segala hormat, mereka tahu sedikit tentang mereka. Selain membangkitkan hasrat seksual, payudara juga melambangkan kecantikan, feminitas.

Kami mengumpulkan beberapa kurang terkenal fakta tentang payudara yang setiap wanita, atau pria dalam hal ini, harus tahu.

1. Payudara kiri biasanya lebih besar: Ini agak sulit untuk melihat tapi payudara kiri selalu lebih besar dari yang benar. Mereka tidak pernah persis ukuran yang sama. Puting juga datang dalam berbagai ukuran, dan mereka juga menunjuk dalam arah yang berbeda.

2. Setiap wanita memiliki rambut di areola: Ini adalah besar turn-off untuk pria, tapi itu fakta. Setiap wanita memiliki antara 2-15 gelap, alur lurus tumbuh. Kulit Anda lebih gelap dan rambut, rambut lebih gelap puting. Payudara juga bisa mendapatkan komedo dan jerawat. Jadi, selalu berhati-hati dari payudara Anda.

3. Rata-rata berat payudara 0,5 kilogram: The payudara rata-rata beratnya sekitar 0,5 kilogram. Masing-masing payudara menyumbang sekitar 4-5 persen dari lemak tubuh dan dengan demikian 1 persen dari berat total tubuh seorang wanita rata-rata. Payudara bisa gemuk sebagai perempuan bertambah tua. Juga ingat bahwa perokok akan memiliki payudara saggier dibandingkan non-perokok.

4. Lebih dari 2 juta wanita memiliki payudara palsu: Dari Pamela Anderson untuk Katie Price lebih dari 2 juta wanita memiliki implan payudara . Angka ini menunjukkan berapa banyak perempuan berpikir tentang payudara mereka. Tidak setiap wanita yang pergi di bawah pisau selalu senang dengan hasilnya. Rata-rata usia wanita yang mendapat implan adalah 34.

5. Payudara menjadi lebih besar saat terangsang: Payudara menjadi tegang saat terangsang.

6. Payudara tidak suka terpental sekitar: Jogging, berjalan dan aerobik dapat menyebabkan payudara Anda untuk bangkit sekitar. Selalu memakai bra yang tepat untuk meminimalkan mental, sehingga Anda juga dapat mengurangi rasa sakit pada payudara Anda. Ingat, fungsi utama dari bra adalah untuk melindungi kesehatan payudara Anda.

7. Payudara bisa keluar dari bentuk: Kedengarannya aneh tapi tertelungkup tidur kadang-kadang dapat bereksperimen payudara Anda. Selalu menjaga posisi tidur Anda sehingga Anda menjaga kekencangan dan bentuk payudara Anda. Posisi tidur terbaik adalah untuk tidur di sisi Anda, dengan bantal di bawah mereka untuk dukungan saat Anda tidur.


reff : http://pangku-langit.blogspot.com/2012/10/7-fakta-menarik-tentang-payudara-wanita.html

Acknowledged Reciept of Goods





The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt and delivery

of the goods described on the annexed list or invoice and

further acknowledges that said goods have been inspected and

are without defect.

Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.









reff : http://formalitasbisnis.blogspot.com/2009/02/acknowledged-reciept-of-goods.html

Biografi Molière

Biografi Moli?re | Moli?re, yang nama aslinya adalah Jean Baptiste Poquelin, Sebagai dramawan komik dia dapat disamakan dengan dramawan aliran lain seperti Aristophanes, Plautus, dan George Bernard Shaw.
Ia juga aktor drama komik terkemuka Perancis, sutradara panggung, dan ahli teori dramatis abad ke-17.

Dalam periode awal teater, didominasi oleh tragedi neoklasik formal, Moli?re menegaskan potensi komedi sebagai bentuk, seni yang fleksibel.
Ia dilahirkan pada Jan 15, 1622 untuk Marie dan Jean Poquelin, ayahnya adalah seorang pedagang mebel Paris dan tukang melapis perabot rumah kepada raja. Jean Baptiste menerima pendidikan awal di College de Clermont, sebuah sekolah Jesuit, menjadi seorang sarjana menjanjikan Latin dan Yunani.
Meskipun ia mulai belajar hukum dan dianugerahi gelar sarjana hukum pada tahun 1642, dia berpaling dari kedua profesi hukum dan bisnis ayahnya.

Sebaliknya, ia dimasukkan (1643) suatu rombongan akting, Teater Illustre, bekerja sama dengan keluarga Bjart, mungkin karena ia telah jatuh cinta pada putri tertua mereka, Madeleine Bjart, yang menjadi majikannya. Pada kira-kira saat yang sama ia juga memperoleh nama samaran yaitu moliere.
Dengan perusahaan ini, Moli?regagal dan bangkrut, lalu pergi untuk tur provinsi, terutama di Perancis selatan dan barat daya, dari sekitar 1646-1658. Selama 12 tahun ia dipoles keterampilan sebagai aktor, sutradara, administrator, dan dramawan.

Pada 1658 rombongan kembali ke Paris dan bermain sebelum Louis XIV. saudara raja menjadi pelindung Moli?re's; Moli?re kemudian dan rekan-rekannya resmi ditunjuk penyedia hiburan kepada Raja Sun sendiri.
Dalam 24 tahun berikutnya, dimulai dengan The Maidens Diejek Precious (1659), yang didirikan dia sebagai penulis drama komik yang paling populer hari, dan berakhir dengan The Imaginary Invalid (1673), Moli?re maju dari seorang adaptor berbakat dari Italia yang diturunkan sketsa dan seorang pemain sandiwara yang memakai extravaganzas untuk seorang penulis yang memainkan terbaik memiliki dampak tragedi abadi.
Tanpa disadari, ia membuat banyak musuh. Dramawan lain membenci percobaan terus-menerus dengan bentuk komik (seperti dalam the school for wives/Sekolah untuk Istri) dan the verse/ ayat (seperti dalam Amphitryon).

Dramawan tragedi terkenal seperti Montfleury dan Hauteroche iri keberhasilannya dengan publik dan perlindungan kerajaan yang ia menikmati. Moli?re menanggapi dengan memasukkan beberapa pengkritiknya ke dalam komedi sebagai buffoons dan ineffectuals.

Pada 1662 ia menikah Armande Bjart, seorang aktris 19 tahun yang adalah saudara baik Madeleine atau (karena beberapa dari saingan dramawan diklaim) putrinya oleh Moli?re. Mereka memiliki satu anak, Esprit-Madeleine, lahir tahun 1665. Perkawinan menyebabkan lebih dari satu pemisahan dan rekonsiliasi antara penulis naskah dan istrinya, yang 21 tahun lebih muda.

Di akhir 1660s, Moli?re terkena penyakit paru-paru, meskipun ia terus menulis, bertindak, langsung, dan mengelola rombongan sebagai penuh semangat seperti sebelumnya. Dia akhirnya runtuh pada 17 Februari 1673, Empat hari kemudian, pada malam tanggal 21 Februari, ia dikebumikan di Pemakaman Saint Joseph.
ujuh tahun kemudian raja meresmikan teater nasional Perancis, Comedie Francaise, sebagai Rumah Moli?re.

Pengaruh kuat pada teater Moli?redatang dari kelompok-kelompok Commedia dell'arte Italia - dengan simpanan karakter dan situasi mereka - yang ditemui selama perjalanannya. Pengaruh ini telah disempurnakan dengan berbagi Moli?re di Bourbon Thtre du Petit-di Paris dengan pemain Italia, dipimpin oleh pemalas dirayakan. Dalam komedi itu lagi, Moli?re sangat halus dalam tema dan teknik, pengaturan sebagian besar plot di dan sekitar Paris dan meningkatkan komedi Prancis neoklasik terhadap bidang kesenian dan penemuan tidak pernah dicapai sebelumnya. Ia menerapkan alexandrine, atau baris heksameter berirama - dipinjam dari tragedi kontemporer, banyak yang telah dipentaskan - untuk sebuah dialog santai yang ditiru pidato percakapan. Ia juga menciptakan sebuah gambaran/ bentuk karakter yang kontras: Tartuffe yang munafik agama, dan ORGON, dupe nya; Jourdain pendaki sosial; Don Juan pemberontak dan jangak; cuckolds seperti Arnolphe, Dandin, dan Amphitryon; Alceste idealis berbatu; Harpagon si kikir ; Scapin penipu tersebut; argan yang murung; Philaminte wanita pretentiously berbudaya, dan banyak lagi.

reff : http://teater-hastasa.blogspot.com/2013/04/biografi-moliere.html

TeĹŸrik tekbiri ne zaman biter

Terik Tekbiri Ne zaman biter

Terik Tekbiri Kurban bayram? arefesi gn sabah namaz?n?n farz?n?n k?l?nmas?yla balar.
Terik Tekbirleri kurban bayram?n?n 4. gn ikindi namaz?n?n farz?na kadar her farz namazdan sonra ekilir.

Terik tekbiri ka kere ekilir?
Her namaz?n farz?ndan sonra (arefe gn sabahtan itibaren) 23 farz namazda 1er defa ekilir.
Terik Tekbiri hakk?nda geni bilgi>>
Terik tekbiri nas?l al?n?rTerik Tekbiri Nedir


reff : http://elestiriyoruz-dervis.blogspot.com/2013/10/tesrik-tekbiri-ne-zaman-biter.html

Perbaiki diri : LIDAH WANITA

Alkisah, dalam perjalanan Isra? Mi?raj, Rasulullah SAW sempat melihat pemandangan mengerikan, ? Aku diperlihatkan orang yang mencakar-cakar mukanya sendiri dengan kuku-kuku tajam mereka ? Lantas Rasulullah SAW bertanya kepada Malaikat Jibril, ? Wahai Jibril, siapakah mereka itu ? ? Malaikat Jibril menjawab, ? Mereka adalah orang yang menggunjing orang lain dan membuka aib kehormatan dirinya? ( HR Abu Daud )

Astaghfirullah alladzim... Naudzubillahi min dzalik...


The Beauty of IslamBetapa mengerikannya pemandangan yang telah dilihat oleh kekasih ALLAH ini, betapa dekatnya kita wanita dengan perbuatan yang disebut diatas.... Masya ALLAH
Apabila tidak membacanya sendiri, niscaya saya tidak bergidik membayangkannya. Betapa takjubnya apa yang bisa diperbuat oleh lidah kita ini. Betapa sulit rasanya inginmengendalikan ucapanyang boleh kita lontarkan dari mulut ini. Betapa seringnya dalam 1 hari berhamburan kata-kata buruk rupa dari bibir ini. Dapatkah Sabda Rasulullah SAW ini menyembuhkan penyakit lidah ini ? Semata-mata hidayah dan pertolongan ALLAH begitu saya harapkan untuk memperoleh kesembuhan permanen.
Wanita tidak ditakdirkan untuk mampu berlaku kuat dengan tenaganya. Itu kelebihan pada kaum lelaki. MakaALLAHmengistimewakan kemampuan lidah tak bertulang untuk wanita, yang dapat menjadi senjatanya menguatkan diri. Sayang kita terbiasa untuk kelebihan ini untuk membicarakan hal-hal yang tak seharusnya dibicarakan. Entahlah siapa yang memulai kebiasaan tak indah ini. Yang pasti kita telah mengetahui ini tak seharusnya diulangi kembali. Sudah waktunya untuk berhenti. Kita yang tak suka diperbincangkan tak baik berbumbu fitnah kemudiannya, seharusnya tak lagi menggunjingkan saudara dan sahabat sendiri. Termasuk membahas kejelekan suami, juga diri sendiri. Yang sudah ditutup ALLAH, tak seharusnya dibuka manusia. Bilapun kita tahu aib mereka, tutupilah agar ALLAH pun menutupi aib kita, baik didunia maupun di akherat kelak.

Keistimewaan lidah pemberian ILAHI ini bisa kita maksimakan untuk menyebarkan Amar Ma?ruf Nahi Mungkar. Sekalipun kita masih belajar untuk mengamalkannya, namun menyebarkan ilmu agama dan ilmu baik lainnya yang kita tahu apalagi mampu mengajak orang lain melakukan ibadah ataupun perbuatan yang baik,pahalanya akan mengalirmeski kita telah berbaring ditempatberehat kita yang terakhir. Tidak mau kah kita mengerjakan sesuatu sekali saja tapi mendapat keuntungannya terus menerus. Marilah segera kita gunakan lidah cantik kita untuk menyebarkan ilmu yang baik. Jangan malu bila diri sendiri masih merasa belum baik, anggap saja kita sama-sama belajar. Berucap untuk diri sendiri dan orang lain. Siapa tahu ALLAH menurunkan hidayah pada orang yang sedang kita ajak bicara melalui jasa lidah kita ini...

Mulai sekarang kita beranikan diri mengingatkan teman kita yang sedang menggunjing, boleh jadi ia tak sedar bahawa ia sudah terpeleset ?mengumpat?...dan jangan marah bila suatu waktu kita yang mendapat giliran diingatkan, segera istighfar dan ucapkan terimakasih atas peringatan teman kita itu. Ya, bersyukurlah tidak jadi terlalu jauh terperosoknya dalam lembah gosip yang lebih dalam.. Jika berkata-kata yang bagus-bagus tentang orang lain boleh, dengan harapan para pendengar terinspirasi lalu bisa meniru ke-bagus-an nya. . .

Semoga kita sepaham dan sepakat untuk hal yang ini. Selamat berlatih lidah. Semoga kali ini mampu benar-benar sembuh agar kita tidak termasuk golongan orang-orang yang mencakar mukanya dengan kuku-kuku yang tajam seperti yang telah dilihat oleh Rasulullah SAW. Insya'allah..

Allahumma amin ya rabbal alamin...

reff : http://mujahidahpemburusyahid.blogspot.com/2011/02/perbaiki-diri-lidah-wanita.html

Amateur Astronomy the Old Fashioned Way with Shelley and Me

?The best telescope is the one that gets used the most.? ?The older I get, the lazier I get.?  Ain?t both of those things the freaking truth, and especially the latter, muchachos?  As Gaia has rolled around ol? Sol yet another time, I?ve found myself increasingly less likely or willing to set up my 12-inch Dobsonian or even my 8-inch SCT for a quick backyard gander at the Moon?or anything else.

Something else that has increased as the years pass is my nostalgia for the things of my youth?or the things I wish I?d had as a youth. Like those luscious Unitron refractors of yore with their long, gleaming white tubes. You can?t go home again; the stream of time flows on carrying the past out of reach. Sometimes, however, you can unexpectedly get a taste, a whiff of that past. Which happened to me via an unexpected gift.

As you learned here a few weeks back, I received a semi-vintage and somewhat spiffed up Celestron C102 from my old friend Pat Rochford some months ago. Not long after we moved into the New Manse in May. A C102 ain?t a Unitron. But it is at least in the spirit of those icons of refractordom, which your old Uncle, like every other space-smitten little kid dreamed of owning in 1965 but could never afford.

?A Celestron refractor, Unk? I thought Celestron was all about SCTs.? Not at all, Skeezix, not at all. Celestron?s C102 goes all the way back to the early 1980s. In them days, Celestron was selling considerable Vixen gear. That Japanese manufacturer was highly regarded by amateur astronomers of the time, and Celestron had begun selling Vixen?s Super Polaris mount with one of its C8 models. Before long, the company expanded their Vixen offerings to include a couple of that company?s Newtonian reflectors and several refractors including a 4-inch achromat, the C102.

Despite the 1980s being the age of Dobsonians and SCTs, the C102 was highly regarded. While it was an achromat and suffered from excess color?purple halos, that is?on brighter objects, its reasonably long (by today?s standards) focal ratio of f/10 kept that to bearable levels. The only fly buzzin? in the C102 ointment was that the Vixen Super Polaris mount, which was more than sufficient for the C8, was stressed by the long tube of the 4-inch refractor.

It took a while for Celestron to rectify that shortcoming, but rectify it they did in the early 90s when they began selling the C102 on Vixen?s improved medium German equatorial, the Great Polaris, which is the ancestor of all the Chinese ?GP clones? with us today including Celestron?s CG5s and VXes.  The mount, while not overkill, was more than sufficient for the C102.

?And the C102 lived happily ever after, continuing to meet the wants and needs of decades of achromatic refractor fans.? Not exactly. By the mid-90s the bloom was off the Vixen rose for Celestron. Prices for the Japanese maker?s gear were climbing at the same time the Mainland Chinese company Synta was coming on strong. In 1998, Celestron replaced the Vixen Great Polaris, both for the C102 and for its GEM-mounted C8, with the ubiquitous Synta EQ-4, which Celestron dubbed the ?CG5.? They didn?t stop there. Henceforth, Synta would also make the refractor?s tube assembly.

Was this new C102 an improvement? No. It was a cost saving measure, and there was good and bad in the new model (which looked almost identical to the GP-C102). The good was that, almost unbelievably for those of us who?d thus far looked askance at Chinese refractors, the optics in the Synta-made C102 were virtually indistinguishable from those in the Vixen. The OTA itself? The focuser was no great shakes, but it was an OK rack and pinion. The dirty little secret? The Vixen focusers weren?t so hot, either.

The mount was a different story. The early manual CG5s have little to do with the latter day goto CG5 so beloved of cost-conscious amateur astronomers. The wooden tripod was history, replaced with an extruded aluminum job just this side of flimsy. What little smoothness there was in the declination and right ascension axes was attributable to the infamous Chinese glue-grease, which was applied in large dollops. The mount was workable for the new C102, but just barely.

Nevertheless, thanks to its consistent optical quality, the C102 OTA just kept on trucking year after year, hopping on different mounts as time passed and occasionally undergoing minor styling revisions, but staying good, very good. Whether on one of the NexStar goto mounts, or, as today, on Celestron?s non-goto CG4, ?C102? spells ?Celestron? every bit as much as ?C8? does. One nice change to the Chinese C102 a few years after its introduction was that the original 1.25-inch rack and pinion was replaced by a 2-inch job.

Want a C102 today? Celestron?s CG4 ? C102 combo is nicely priced at $499.95?the scope is not over-mounted on the CG4 GEM, but the mount is sufficient for it. What?s truly amazing, however, are the periodic C102 OTA sales you can find, especially from OPT, Oceanside Photo and Telescope in Cally-for-nye-ay. Right now, you can get an OTA for 170 dineros, and last year they were selling the scopes for the astounding price of 50 bucks. At any of the above prices, the C102 is an incredible buy.

Not that your old Uncle necessarily believed that when Pat dropped the C102 off at the New Manse. Oh, I remembered how Mr. Pat had raved about another 102 he?d owned years ago, how it literally tore up the dark night sky at the Chiefland Astronomy Village one cold winter night in 2001 (the year the Winter Star Party was canceled and many WSP refugees wound up at the CAV). Still, I wasn?t quite convinced. An achromat, a 4-inch at f/10?

To get the cursed color purple down low on a 4-inch, you have to go to f/15 or f/16, like those long, long Unitrons. On the other hand, I recalled having had a hell of a lot of fun with my old Short Tube 80, Woodstock (who has since gone to live with Unk?s son, Chris), and that 80mm f/5 certainly wasn?t lacking in chromatic aberration.

The bottom line on excess color? It bothers some people more than others. Me? I am not overly troubled by it, whether it?s around bright stars or turning lunar shadows a deep purple instead of inky black. The question would not be whether it would disturb me, but how much?if any?sharpness it would steal from the C102?s images. That is the real problem with chromatic aberration. At high levels, it blurs the image. Howsomeever, I well remembered one cold night in 1999 when I watched a triple shadow transit on Jupiter with Woodstock. I was amazed at how sharp the planet was. So, I was willing to give the C102 a tryout.

What with all that was involved in getting settled in the New Chaos Manor South, it took some time for me to get around to giving Miss Shelley a tryout. ?Shelley?? I don?t name my telescopes, y?all. Oh, they all have names, but I don?t give them names, they tell me their names, eventually. It took a while but my C102 finally whispered that she is to be called ?Shelley.?

Anyhoo, what prompted me to give Shelley a go was that I had come to favor refractors for my quick backyard observing. I can waltz one out of the sunroom and onto the deck in 15-seconds flat. Not that Shelley didn?t have competition there. My 80mm APO does a fantastic job on everything in that role, and Miss Dorothy?s Explore Scientific AR102 does too, and with a little more aperture. Unk got to thinking, however, that it might be nice to have a little more aperture to play with than with the APO and a little less color than presented by Miss D?s f/6.5 telescope.

The results? You can read all about it at the link above, but for visual, Shelley takes the laurels. But not by much. While the C102 threw up a dadgum impressive star test, the 80mm APO, Veronica, does too, and despite her smaller aperture doesn?t fall far behind in visual performance. If she does at all. There?s more to a scope than just performance, though; there was something about the C102?s long tube towering above me. It was if at least some of those daydreams I dreamed while mooning over the old Unitron catalog as a sprout were finally coming true. Color? There?s purple, but it is bearable.

I did quite a bit of touring of the bright deep sky objects with the C102 on the moonless nights that followed, but there?s only so many times you can look at M2, M13, M92, and the rest of the showpiece gang before getting a mite bored. Oh, the summer and fall Messiers were as beautiful this autumn, my 50th autumn observing them, as they ever were, but no matter how pretty they looked in my ?new? telescope, I wanted some variety in the backyard. What else could I do with Shelley? What would she be good at?

One afternoon I was shelving some books that had come over from the old Chaos Manor South in a box, and ran across a real blast from the past, Herbert Bernhard, Dorothy Bennett, and Hugh Rice?s New Handbook of the Heavens (1954). It was one of my favorites in the hallowed day, not only because of its clear prose and the observing lists at the ends of its chapters, but because it had come in the box with my Palomar Junior. Surely if Edmund Scientificincluded the book with their scopes, it mustbe a dang good one.

The New Handbook is actually a follow-on to the original Handbook of the Heavens (1935), but while it is an update, there is no question it is still about the old amateur astronomy. An amateur astronomy where the deep sky took a decided backseat to other pursuits.

Take a look at the Handbook?s table of contents and you?ll find you have to scan down almost to the bottom to come to the ?Star Clusters and Nebulae? chapter. The authors do do a good job describing what there is to see of the deep sky with a small telescope, and at the end of the chapter, there?s an outstanding list of 60 of the best of the best DSOs for little scopes.  Most of the Handbook?s space is devoted to the things most amateurs of 1950s - 1960s observed more often than even the bright Messiers, however. The emphasis in the book is on the Moon, the planets, and double and variable stars. 

Why did amateur astronomers tend to restrict themselves to those subjects when a mere 4-inch refractor or a 6-inch reflector will do one heck of a job on the deep sky? Because most amateurs, even in the 1960s, didn?t have a 4-inch refractor or a 6-inch reflector, with the refractor being a particularly tough nut to crack for most of us. Edmund Scientific?s reasonably priced 4-inch refractor, for example, was $247.00 (their 6-inch Newtonian was 50 bucks less).  Depending on how you calculate such things, that is equivalent to at least $1370.00 today. A high-toned refractor like a Unitron? Don?t even ask, Bubba, don?t even ask.

Because of the way-out prices for store-bought scopes, amateurs in the 1960s, and not just kids, often made do with 2.4-inch refractors and 3-inch reflectors. Yeah, you?d think from what the old timers down to the club say that everybody back then was grinding and polishing 6-inch mirrors, but that was most assuredly not the case. Then as now, most of us, and especially us sprouts, were amateur telescope buyers, not amateur telescope makers. Accordingly, astronomy authors tended to restrict themselves to objects within range of our small scopes:  double stars, the planets, the Moon, and the brightest deep sky wonders.

Its focus on the bright stuff made the New Handbook of the Heavens, Unk thought, just about the perfect guide to what I would enjoy with my 4-inch lens-scope from my light polluted backyard (limiting magnitude at the zenith not much better than 5 on a good night).  There was also just something romantic about pursuing the old amateur astronomy, the amateur astronomy of Patrick Moore in his heyday, with a long-tubed refractor on chilly (well, for down here) fall nights. I?d already done a quick survey of bright DSOs; it was now double star time.

I?ve never been the world?s most committed double star observer. I?ve blown hot and cold on binaries and multiple stars over the last half century. Obviously, my contributions to and support of The Journal of Double Star Observations are signs that these stars are an important interest of mine; I?m just a-saying you shouldn?t imagine I go pair-hunting every dadgum night. I still and always will love doubles, however, and was happy to have an excuse to look at the best of the best with Shelley.

Before I could do that, howsomeever, I needed to rectify the finder stichy-ation. As Mr. Pat delivered Miss Shelley, she was equipped with a pretty but too small 30mm finder. I immediately replaced that with a red dot job, which, even in our gray skies, was sufficient for locating the brightest Messiers. To run down medium bright doubles, though, much less dimmer ones? Uh-uh. Luckily I had a 50mm Orion RACI finder sitting unloved in my shop. It was in a Synta mount and would slide right onto Shelley.  I am not a huge fan of right angle finders, correct image or no, but I figgered the RACI would at least be superior to the alternatives.

So it was that I began a survey of Double Star Gooduns on a chilly (40s, y?all) November evening. The sky wasn?t perfect; haze was moving in ahead of a front and one look at Vega showed the seeing was at least semi-punk. But I?d been down in the dumps?for no good reason, really?all afternoon and figgered an hour or two under the stars would help, even if conditions weren?t all they ort-ta be. While I used the New Handbook as a general guide to what would be fun look at, I didn?t try to decipher its small text under a red light. Instead, I loaded up the Astronomical League Double Star List on SkyTools 3 on my Toshiba laptop.

One of the loveliest things about a refractor? Just a few minutes acclimating to outdoor temperatures on this cool night and one is ready to rock. I?d mastered the fine art of moving Shelley from the sunroom where she lives out onto the deck without removing her big tube from her SkyWatcher AZ-4 alt-azimuth mount, and in five minutes I was ready to start looking and she was ready for me to start looking?

Beta Cygni, Albireo

?Two tiny points of light?one rich orange, the other a deep blue?placed close together in the telescopic field?such is the appearance of Albireo?the concealed beauties of many similar stellar objects lie unsuspected until discovered in the telescope.? So says the vaunted New Handbook, and I agree?do I ever. I love Albireo, the blue and gold ?Cub Scout Double,? though I don?t look at it often. I mostly just show it off on public outreach nights, taking a quick glance at it to make sure it?s centered and focused.

On this night, I spent a little time with Beta Cygni. At my finding power, 67x, with the 16mm 100-degree AFOV Happy Hand Grenade eyepiece, the view was scrumptious, and not just because of the deep and vibrant colors as described in the Handbook. What made Albireo doubly outstanding was the tiny perfect appearance stars tend to assume in a good refractor. I stared for at least 15-minutes despite being hunched over at the eyepiece?even at full extension, the AZ-4 tripod is not really tall enough for a 4-inch f/10.

Alpha Ursae Minoris, Polaris

As is often the case when I?m chasing double stars, Polaris was one of the first pairs of the evening. It?s a good test of conditions. As usual, it was easy but not that easy. The secondary was visible, but I did have to look for it in the seeing, which was definitely tending to ?poor.? It soon showed itself as a little white spark beside the strongly yellowish primary. Since the separation between the two is 18.4?, you?d think resolving Polaris would be like shooting dadgum fish in a barrel, but it is not so. I could see the comeswith the 16mm eyepiece, but I needed the 7mm to make it really stand out. Polaris is tough because of the difference in magnitudes between its primary and secondary which are, respectively, at magnitudes 2.0 and 9.1.

Epsilon 1 and 2 Lyrae, the Double Double

Since I was in the area, figgered I might as well check in on the famous Double Double, Epsilon 1 and 2 Lyare. Epsilon 1 is at magnitude 4.7 and Epsilon 2 at magnitude 5.1 and they are separated by a huge 208?, hardly a challenge?the split was trivially easy in the 50mm finder. That ain?t the challenge, though, the challenge is that each of these two stars is itself a close double.

Epsilon 1 Lyrae is composed of a magnitude 4.7 primary and magnitude 6.2 secondary separated by 2.6?. Not usually a problem for medium aperture scopes at medium magnifications on nights of good seeing, but more than close enough when, as on this evening, the air doesn?t want to hold still. Epsilon 2 is a magnitude 5.1 and 5.5 pair, and is a wee bit closer together at 2.3?. Again, not a huge challenge, but enough of a challenge when the seeing sucks. What helps is that both pairs? stars are fairly close to each other in magnitude.

Anyhow, despite the relatively lousy atmospheric conditions, Epsilon 1 and Epsilon 2 were split at 143x in Shelley with my 7mm William Optics Uwan eyepiece. I could see that the stars were elongated at 67x, but only barely. Only when the seeing would change and they?d briefly stop shimmering and dancing around.

Gamma 1 Andromedae, Almaak

Almaak is another one of the very best doubles. The ?end? star in Andromeda?s eastern chain of stars is a nice, easy split at 9.0?, which also puts the primary and the companion close enough together that the pair really looks like a double star at medium powers. The primary is a beautiful deep golden color and shines brightly at magnitude 2.0. It is made even more lovely by the contrast provided by the secondary, which stands out well at magnitude 5.0 and has a light blue-green tint.

Despite Almaak being over the house and in the extra poor seeing caused by heat rising from the roof, Shelley did a fine job. At 67X I coulda drove a truck between primary and secondary. Other observations? Mainly that the secondary star looked bluer to me than it does in my SCTs. Whether that is due to the smaller aperture of the refractor, or to the fact that it is a refractor, I don?t know, but the difference was noticeable.

Eta Persei, Miram

Miram is a famous double star, but not one that?s really a showpiece in this old boy?s opinion. The separation, 28.9?, makes it an easy but relatively wide one, and at magnitude 7.9, the secondary star seems somewhat lackluster. The mag 3.8 primary was easy to spot, even in the eastern horizon light dome from consarned Airport Boulevard, and is an obvious deep gold-orange. The secondary? From the first glance, the secondary seemed a pale blue. Not the ?very blue? the Handbook claims, but blue, not white as it?s appeared in my C8.

Since I was in the neighborhood, I bopped over to the west to have a look at the Double Cluster, just a little less than four and a half degrees away. Despite still being in the heavy light pollution and in increasing haze, the two companion open clusters were wondrously beautiful in the Happy Hand Grenade. There is just no way to make ?em look bad, y?all. But, as I watched, they began to do a fade out. The occasional bands of thick haze were morphing into genuine clouds and it was time to throw the Big Switch.

Throwing that Big Switch took all of maybe two minutes. Objective cap on the scope, pick her up, and back into the house we went in nuttin? flat. Grabbed the eyepieces off the patio table and we was done. I didn?t have to pack up the Toshiba, since I?d set up the laptop in the sunroom so I could duck inside and warm my old bones when scoping out the next target star with SkyTools.

Yeah, double stars were great in the refractor, muchachos, but that is hardly all she can do. In addition to a surprisingly good job on the deep sky, she has made a believer out of me when it comes to the Moon, and I originally intended to clue y?all in as to how Luna looked in the achromat. Unfortunately, I see it is time for me and Shelley to run along before we wear out our welcome this Sunday morning. You will hear more about our adventures soon, and not just on the Moon, but on the planets?King Jupe is on his way back into the evening sky, and I am curious what my new friend of a telescope will accomplish there.  

Next Time:  Unk's Astroware Top 10? 

reff : http://uncle-rods.blogspot.com/2014/11/amateur-astronomy-old-fahsioned-way.html

Red Sanders pen with Polyester Resin casting

When a friend approached me to make a pen with red sanders, I wasn't sure where to get the material from. I actually didn't know much about the wood itself, but after reading, realized that it was what our grandparents used to have as part of their home remedy. Red sanders is a medicinal herb and its powder is used for healing wounds as well as other illnesses. So, when I mentioned about this pen to my parents, they quickly suggested to look for stores selling herbal and ayurvedic medicine. Well, with changing times, this also has changed. They don't sell it as wooden billets anymore but in the powder form. After searching more, I found strips of this wood available with stores that are selling incense sticks and related items.

So, this is what I brought home, with the idea that I will find a way to make a pen out of this:

These strips were about 5-6 inches long and no more than 10mm thickness. As you can see, they are rough cut and no single strip was big enough to make a pen part from. So, I decided to cast them in Polyester resin (PR).

I aligned two strips in a pair as close to each other as possible and tied them up.

This was then cast in resin. The resin block with wood embedded in it was then turned on a lathe. The resin block did exhibit a few cracks, mostly due to the lack of pressure pot during casting. However, these cracks didn't affect the final product. Enough of the wood was covered in PR and had gotten into the gap.

The blank had to be stabilized along the way, just to ensure that the wood and PR does not separate. After much turning and polishing, this is the end result:

You can see the PR along the length of the pen. I had tried to match the color of PR with the wood, but I did not know what color the wood will turn. Surprisingly, it looked much lighter than the wood strips and also had amazing grain.

reff : http://fosforpens.blogspot.com/2014/03/red-sanders-pen-with-polyester-resin.html

Gluten Free Egg Free Bagels (Vegan Dairy Free)

If you love bread you'll love these Gluten Free Egg Free Bagels that are also Vegan and dairy free. Food allergies make it impossible to find an egg free bagel until now. These are thick and chewy just like the bread you miss.
Happy New Year to everyone! I love how each year it feels like we're given a clean slate to start over and improve areas in our lives. Of course, we should reaaallly be doing this everyday, but we're busy with life, right? Hopefully you're off to a good start to the year. Anything special on your list of resolutions?

My typical thoughts around this time aren't really resolutions per se but are always focused on eating better and improving health for me and the family. The health factor always leads to exercising to get in better shape. So I've decided, (sort of) to train for another half marathon. And by train, this time I'll actually run on a schedule instead of just deciding to run once a week a hope I make it back home walking and not crawling...
Running all those miles over the summer seems so long ago but I distinctly remember the post run carbohydrate cravings. All I wanted was bread. Fresh warm bread from Panera, actually. But not just any bread. BAGELS. Lots and lots of bagels.

Before going practically gluten free (I cheat a bit here and there) for my son, my absolute favorite food in the entire world was a bagel with cream cheese. Completely nutritionally void but oh so chewy, creamy and satisfying. Apples were my craving with pregnancy with Sir but pile on the bagels with Mr. Naughty's pregnancy.
Fun fact: I once ate 4 bagels with cream cheese while in college for a free 'snack'. (Poor college student = not sure when the next good meal is coming.) It was our reward for volunteering time at out local PBS television station auction. Needless to say this little piggie had a tummy ache the rest of the day.

Now that I've explained how much I LOVE bagels, you can appreciate how much time I've taken to work on these. I've had several fails? several successes? but I wasn't happy until I could make them easy enough (and seem like the real deal) to share with all of you who also are missing bagels on a gluten free egg free diet.

These bagels take some time, but then again all good things do. I suggest trying a single batch first. After you can't live without them, set a side some time over the weekend and make a double or triple batch to freeze.
I hope you love them as much as my kids.

Gluten Free Egg Free Bagels (Vegan Dairy Free)
Author: Laura@ Petite Allergy Treats
Bake at 450 for 14-16 minutes makes about 6 large bagels
  • 3 1/2 cupsgluten free all purpose white blend
  • 1 3/4 cups milk of choice or water
  • 2 1/2 tsp yeast or 1 packet
  • 3 tsp guar gum
  • 2 T oil
  • 1 tsp salt plus extra for top
  • 1 T sugar
  1. Heat liquid to 100 degrees. Add yeast and sugar and mix and allow to sit for 5 minutes.
  2. In a separate bowl mix flour, gum and salt.
  3. In large bowl combine liquid and oil. Gradually mix in all the flour mixture by hand to avoid big lumps. Mix until all incorporated and smooth.
  4. Use a large cookie scoop or spray a 1/2 C measuring cup scoop the dough. With wet hands form dough into a ball and use a finger to poke a hole in the center. Gently shape into bagel form by expanding the hole. Place on a individual piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. (see pic)
  5. Spray tops with oil, cover with plastic and allow to rise in a warm place for about 20 minutes. (Don't allow to double in size or else it will lose its shape and fall apart in the bath.)
  6. Bring large pot of water to a rapid boil. Gently drop a max of 2 bagels in the water and boiled each side for only 30 seconds each side. Remove individual parchment paper pieces and place back on baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt.
  7. Bake at 450 degree for 14-16 or until golden brown.
Notes: Be careful moving bagels to and from the water. The extra sheet ofparchment paper makes it easier to move and comes off easily after boiling. The water should be a rapid boil and only let them sit for a short while on each side or else they will absorb too much water and become soggy. If you can, allow your oven to preheat at least 20 minutes prior to baking. These freeze extremely well and can be used for sandwich bread.

Some other things you may like:

Gluten Free Spinach & Onion Bagels- egg free, dairy free, Vegan

Gluten Free Vegan Garlic Crescent Rolls

Best Gluten Free Thin Crust Pizza Crust- (egg free dairy free crust)

Gluten Free Soft Hamburger Buns-egg free

Best Gluten Free Pizza Crust- Vegan egg free

reff : http://petiteallergytreats.blogspot.com/2015/01/gluten-free-vegan-bagels-egg-free-dairy.html


Produsen berbagai macam sarung kursi pesta, diantaranya  sarung kursi napoly plastik dengan jenis Sarung kursi napolly 101,sarung kursi napolly 102, sarung kursi napoly 209 dan banyak lagi. Konfeksi kami juga menerima berbagai macam pesanan jahitan untuk dekorasi perlengkapan tenda pesta.



reff : http://sumberjayadekorasi.blogspot.com/2015/08/sarung-kursi-napolly.html