Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

The Next Angry Birds?

Smoga sobat semua tidak bosan bertemu saya he he, bagaimana kabarnya nih sobat semua ? yang pastinya sehat dan bahagia ya. Ok langsung saja pada topik kita kali ini adalah The Next Angry Birds?."

The mobile game sensation Angry Birds has spawned a whole industry of plushies, games, shirts, costumes, and even these flip flops! What is the next game to capture the public imagination? Our toy merchant, was pitched by a vendor on Fruit Ninjas. Like Angry Birds, Fruit Ninjas is a fun and whimsical game and it is ranked as the #4 game on the Apple AppStore right now. According to social media trends, it has a quite a bit further to go until it�s a real pop-culture phenomena like Angry Birds. For now Angry Birds still rule the roost.

Source :

Madah diungkap santun bitara

Pantun dilantun mengusik hati

Salah dan silap tutur bicara

Pohon diampun seikhlas hati

Video yang berkaitan dengan The Next Angry Birds?


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