Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

Expanded greeting card options

Bagaimana kabar Sahabat semua hari ini ?, tentunya semoga berbahagia dan sehat selalu. Ok langsung saja ke poko pembicaraan kita yaitu mengenai Expanded greeting card options."Following on from customer feedback we are working to expand our range of gift options when ordering a greeting card online at

We now offer pre-paid gift cards from Tim Hortons, Apple iTunes, La Senza, Pizza Delight and Subway.

We have also started to offer chocolates, we currently have Lindt Swiss Luxury Selection�in stock. �Perfect for Valentines gift or a Birthday!

Please let us know of any other options you think we should add, to make it easy for you to purchase a gift and a personalized greeting card at the same time!"
Source :

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