Senin, 09 November 2015

X-Men: Days of Future Past

Alright, I will start reviewing movies here and paste it on my lovelies' blog

First of all, I'm not going to spoil anything here BUT DAMMMMNNN this movie is amazing, as well as its rating--jumps up to #79 of IMDb's Top 250 list within few hours of its release.
This movie is just amazingly beautiful and emotional for an A-class geek action movie, just like the First Class, I love how the story connects one another to make X-Men trilogy wonderful series. The X-men franchise has come a looooong way. It has proven itself to be spectacular, and this movie is just that. If you ever read the old comics like I did, you could be a little bitch and complain about every little thing that was different, or accept this movie for what it is: a dark, yet hopeful adaptation with an emotional touch that is every bit as grand as The Dark Knight.

If you wonder how the hell did Professor X back to life, you need to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2 (2013) credit scene, as well as Magneto's power, if you see the end of X-Men; The Last Stand, Magneto was seen to get his power back while playing chess.

Okay, that's probably all I can spill here, more shocking discoveries click here. I'm going to continue fangirling over McBender/Cherik bromance.�

And oh my God, Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr are true heartthrobs now and then.

reff :

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