Salam hangat buat Sobat semua !, saya slalu berdo'a smoga Sobat semua akan slalu bahagia dan sehat slamanya. Berikut ini kita akan membicarakan tentang CALLING ALL EDC ADVOCATES IN THE LOS ANGELES AREA! ATTEND THE FIELD HEARING SEPTEMBER 18th."The EDC continues to work closely with the Parity Implementation Coalition to ensure that the 2012 Parity Field Hearings include stories about those with eating disorders who continue to be denied care, despite the passage of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA). We have been a strong and consistent voice at the 2012 Field Hearings and we are thrilled that Lisa Kantor, EDC board member and attorney who takes on insurers who refuse life saving and necessary care, is speaking at the Los Angeles, CA, Parity Field Hearing on September 18th.� We hope you are able to attend this historic event.

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Here is the agenda for the Los Angeles Parity Field Hearing:

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