Saya slalu rindu pada sobat semua, saya berharap sobat semua slalu dalam lindungan Yang Maha Kuasa. Bahasan kali ini adalan tentang (Bang-e-Dra-168) Phir Baad-e-Bahar Ayi, Iqbal Ghazal Khawan Ho."
Phir Bad-e-Bahar Ayi, Iqbal Ghazal Khawan Ho
Ghuncha Hai Agar Gul Ho, Gul Hai To Gulistan Ho
The spring breeze is flowing again start singing, O Iqbal
If you are a bud be the flower, if a flower the garden become
Tu Khak Ki Muthi Hai, Ajza Ki Hararat Se
Barham Ho, Preshan Ho, Wusa�at Mein Byanban Ho
You are a handful of dust, with the warmth of the components
Wander around, scatter about and wilderness in extent become
Tu Jins-e-Mohabbat Hai, Qeemat Hai Garan Teri
Kam-Maya Hain Soudagar, Iss Daes Mein Arzan Ho
You belong to the essence of Love, you are invaluable
The purchasers are indigent, low priced in this country become
Kyun Saaz Ke Parde Mein Mastoor Ho Lay Teri
Tu Naghma�ay Rangeen Hai, Har Gosh Pe Uryan Ho
Why should your tunes be veiled in the guitar�s frets?
You are an ornamented song, evident to every ear become
Ae Rehro-e-Farzana! Raste Mein Agar Tere
Gulshan Hai To Shabnam Ho, Sehra Hai To Toofan Ho
O wise traveler! If in your path you encounter
The garden become dew, if wilderness the storm become
Saman Ki Mohabbat Mein Muzmar Hai Tan Asani
Maqsad Hai Agar Manzil, Gharat Gar-e-Saman Ho
Indulgence is concealed in the love of opulence
If you aim at the destination, destroyer of opulence become
Source :
Ghuncha Hai Agar Gul Ho, Gul Hai To Gulistan Ho
The spring breeze is flowing again start singing, O Iqbal
If you are a bud be the flower, if a flower the garden become
Barham Ho, Preshan Ho, Wusa�at Mein Byanban Ho
You are a handful of dust, with the warmth of the components
Wander around, scatter about and wilderness in extent become
Kam-Maya Hain Soudagar, Iss Daes Mein Arzan Ho
You belong to the essence of Love, you are invaluable
The purchasers are indigent, low priced in this country become
Tu Naghma�ay Rangeen Hai, Har Gosh Pe Uryan Ho
Why should your tunes be veiled in the guitar�s frets?
You are an ornamented song, evident to every ear become
Gulshan Hai To Shabnam Ho, Sehra Hai To Toofan Ho
O wise traveler! If in your path you encounter
The garden become dew, if wilderness the storm become
Maqsad Hai Agar Manzil, Gharat Gar-e-Saman Ho
Indulgence is concealed in the love of opulence
If you aim at the destination, destroyer of opulence become
Source :
         Demikian yang dapat saya paparkan mengenai (Bang-e-Dra-168) Phir Baad-e-Bahar Ayi, Iqbal Ghazal Khawan Ho yang menjadi pokok bahasan kali ini, tentunya masih banyak kekurangan dan kelemahannya, kerena terbatasnya pengetahuan dan kurangnya rujukan atau referensi yang ada hubungannya dengan judul postingan ini.
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