Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

73. Tantalum


Consider Poor Doris!

Everyone knows how Tantalus was tortured?given cable TV without a remote, a telephone that stayed firmly attached to the wall, Internet access with the adult sites blocked, and forced to make do with an iMac when all the good games were written for Windows first. What most people don't know is that Tantalus had a wife.

If you think Tantalus had it bad, consider poor Doris! Every day it was the same thing. Moan, bitch, complain ? Men are such babies! Morning to night, there was a continual chorus of "Oh cripes, the pop top came off without opening the can!" and "Wouldn't ya know it, the computer crashed!" and "Doris, the damned rock got away from me again?would you be a doll and fetch it for me?" It was enough to drive any woman mad.

And so it did.

One morning, Tantalus opened the garage door by hand (he was not allowed an opener), threw his briefcase into the SUV (he was not allowed to telecommute), diddled with the station settings (he was not allowed satellite radio), and turned the key in the ignition. Seven sticks of dynamite wired to the underside of the car went off, blowing him to smithereens.

Briefly?very briefly?Doris was happy.

But then the gods, unwilling to let his suffering end, showed up. With infinite patience and unbelievable efficiency, they gathered up all the scattered pieces and reassembled Tantalus just as good?or, depending on how you looked at it, bad?as ever. "Can you believe it?" he cried in exasperation. "I'm gonna be late for work!" And off he drove.

Doris broke down in tears. "Why, why, why?" she implored the immortal gods. "Why must I suffer so?"

Zeus, who was the chiefest grudge-holder of the lot, materialized in her kitchen, looking embarrassed. "You were supposed to be one of his torments," he said. "You know ? like Xanthippe or Job's wife?"

"Well, I'm not!" she wailed. "I don't make him miserable?he makes me miserable!"

"You could get a divorce," Zeus suggested. "It would go on forever, of course, but ?"

"That would be every bit as bad! Father of the gods, hear my prayer. If I can't have happiness, then at least grant me oblivion."

"Done!" said Zeus, relieved.

He turned her into an ottoman.

Now, every day, Tantalus's torment is doubled. Whenever his socks don't match, or he can't remember where he left the keys, or the toast comes out too dark, and he goes looking for his wife to make things right ? she's not there. He can't understand it. He knows she's nearby. He can feel her presence. But no matter where he looks, there's she's not. Worse, every time he passes through the living room, looking for her, he trips over that damned ottoman! Sometimes he can't help but give it a good strong kick.

Of this, however, Doris is blissfully unaware.

? 2002 by Michael Swanwick and SCIFI.COM.

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Tumpek Landep Ceremony

Since today (13/12/15) is still in the vibe of Tumpek Landep ceremony, you will see many cars and motorbikes attached by some offerings here in Bali. Tumpek Landepis the day whenBalineseprays to the God of Heirlooms as symbol asking for a sharper mind, in accordance to spirituality and mentality. This holy day is devoted to Sang Hyang Pasupati, the God of Heirlooms. OnBalinesecalendar,Tumpek Landepis celebrated once in every 210 days, precisely on Saniscara Wage Wuku Landep, which on this dayBalinesesymbolically put the offerings and the prays for metallic equipment, such as machinery, vehicles, kitchen equipment, and others, on a ceremony that takes place inside the house, home yard, and temple. Weapons, such as traditional keris (wavy double-bladed dagger), guns, spears, and others, and metallic equipment are symbolically worshiped in order that it will bring safety and fortune to the owner and the user.

Tumpek Landepis basically held to sharpen mind, to be implemented to do goodness, becauseBalinesebelieve that the highest level and the greatest weapon of human being is their mind, which can bring someone to a better life. The word ?Landep? itself implies a ?sharp?.Tumpek Landepis an expression of gratitude, especially Hindus inBalito the goddess Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa is down to earth and give sharpness to the human mind

Tumpek Landephas value for the philosophy that people always sharpens their mind. Every six months, people are reminded to evaluate, whether the mind has always cleared up or honed to a sharp? Therefore, with a sharp mind, people can become more intelligent, more lucid and analyitcal, they are able to be more precisely in determine a decisions. ThroughTumpek Landepceremony, people are reminded to always use a sharp mind as a tool steer them in the right direction. For example, when people need a means to facilitate life, such as cars, motorcycles and so on, a sharp mind should be used as the control. The desire to be able to be controlled by the mind. Thus the desire to have objects that are not based on prestige, but actually serves to strengthen the life for and serve its purpose.

Risata Bali Resort & Spa
Jl Wana Segara South Kuta Beach.
Facebook page :Risata Bali Resort and Spa
Twitter :@risatabali
Instagram :@risatabali

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New Kid in Town: Ferraro's on the Hill

The newest Italian eatery in identity-conflicted Rancho Dominguez is located on Victoria Street in a strip mall that includes the place to get The Best Pho in Los Angeles, a Quiznos, and an ever-changing rotation of mom-and-pop lunch spots that cater mainly to firefighters, whitish-collar captains of industry and those of us at Cal State Dominguez Hills who are starved for options during Campus Dining's semi-hiatus during the summer months.

I was sitting in my office one morning when a guy with a New Yawk accent walked in and gave me a handful of fliers and coupons for Ferraro's on the Hill, including a coupon for a free slice of cheese pizza. Although fliers don't usually excite me, the messenger got authenticity points for his pronunciation. I just happened to be mulling over where James and I would go to lunch that day, and Ferraro's, looked promising with its menu of classics, the names of which all ended in an operatic vowel.

The restaurant itself is stark and clean, with a map of Southern Italy on a chalkboard-like surface and plain wooden tables and chairs. But my old friend "Al Fresco" beckoned from the large and sunny patio area, so we seated ourselves outside after ordering from the counter.

Spaghetti with meat sauce is my usual litmus test for a new Italian restaurant. I ordered the Bolognese meat sauce, while James had his spaghetti with meatballs. When our pastas were served, we noted with delight that the noodles were coated with sauce in addition to being topped with a generous dollop of sauce on top. But it was the complex flavor of the sauce itself that made us wish our plates of pasta would never end.

Works of art: Bon vivant James Scarborough and his life-changing plate of spaghetti and meatballs.

Actually, James, who is an art, theatre, and film critic for the Huffington Post and his own blog, really is a work of art, having been immortalized in a portrait by Ray Turner, which is on view at the Long Beach Museum of Art through Sept. 11. As executive director of PICTURE Art, a new venue on campus, he has become the Pied Piper to students who wander into his space and end up wanting to work as docents, or at the very least, decide that it's a great place to bring a date.

As we sat eating in reverence while trying to figure out the exotic herbs that were surely responsible for our state of gastronomic rapture, Joe Ferraro came out and asked how the food was. Like pupils showing off for a culinary tutor, we burst forth with our guesses on the secret ingredient: Fennel! Sage! Nutmeg! Coriander!

Joe indulgently listened and then revealed to us that the sauce did not contain any of these spices, but was simmered for six hours and included a touch of cream. He then brought us a soup bowl full of Joe's Famous Tomato Salad, which consists of chunks of fresh tomato, red onions, and basil, marinated in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. We were bursting from our Bolognese bacchanal, but slurped up the gazpacho-esque concoction greedily, soaking up the tomato juice with our bread.

You say "tomayto," I say "tomaato"... And, "Bring me more bread!

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2 pelajaran berharga

Kangen. Sudah hampir tiga bulan ini aku tak berkunjung ke UKM yang kuikuti, yakni ukm asc. Rasa kangenku membuncah, dan Alhamdulillah ada gayung yang menyambutnya. Sebuah pesan masuk di hpku yang memberitahukan bahwasanya besok ada rapat asc. Otomatis aku akan menyempatkan datang meski sebelumnya aku telah janjian dengan temen-temn pdd OHB untuk mendiskusikan masalah desain dalam rangka publikasi acara OHB. Aku membatalkan janjian dengan teman-teman pdd demi menunaikan kerinduan ini. Dasar!!!

Rapat sebagaimana rapat sebelumnya, selalu ada saja anggota yang nggak datang, tapi tak apalah aku masih bisa menunaikan rasa rindu ini meski tak bisa melihat semua temenku. Suasana ketawa-ketiwi  yang penuh senda gurau menjadi hal yang selalu asyik dan membuat kami semakin akrab.

Ini tentang pelajaran berharga tersebut?
Kejadian pertama, ketika kami sedang rapat membahas masalah yang ada di acara yang kami handle yakni mamaq. Ada temen yang mengatakan kebohongan ini sah dalah tinjauan ilmu filsafat moral, karena kebohongan ini berdampak kebaikan. Namun disisi lain, temen kami yang lain yang notabenenya dari pondok, mengatakan ?eh jangan gitu, jujur aja, Kenapa?? Lagian kalau gini masak ya harus dosa bersama-sama. Terus yang bersedia tanggung jawab siapa???
Kami semua terdiam, terhentak oleh pertanyaan sekaligus pernyataan tersebut. Astagfirullah, mencari pembenaran agar tak terkena dosa, padahal yang memutuskan dosa ialah Allah semata, dan manakala Allah telah menetapakan kebenaran itu maka tak kan ada lagi istilah pembenaran karena semua sudah jelas di tempatnya mana yang bakhil dan mana yang hak.
Aku malu sebagai seorang cewek, aku masih dikalahkan oleh cowok, aku masih bodoh hingga tak ingat dosa. Padahal setiap aktivitas bakal dimintai pertanggungjawaban kelak. Astagfirullah.

Kejadian kedua. Karena selesai rapat asc sudah masuk sholat magrib maka aku sekalian sholat di masjid. Selesai sholat dzikir sebentar langsung berniat pulang, manakala aku sedang asyik merapikan mukenaku, hatiku kembali tersentak, aku mendengar seorang cowok mengaji di sebelahku, yang hanya terpisah oleh hijab. Astagfirullah. aku saja yang cewek kalah sama dia yang cowok, dia cowok tapi lebih rajin baca qur?an, sementara  aku???
Allah maafkan hambamu ini yang sudah tersesat teramat jauh, hamba sebagai cewek namun kualitas ibadah hamba masih sangat jauh disbanding cowok. Hamba malu ya Allah. Ya Allah sedianya Engkau mau berbaik hati, bantulah hamba ya Allah agar hamba bisa sekeren mereka. Hmba tak ingin dikalahkan lagi.


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Doa ketika ditimpa musibah

Sekiranya kita ditimpa musibah, tempat yang paling baik kita mengadu ialah kepada Allah SWT. Kita bangun malam, bersolat tahajud. Kemudian menangis dan merintih kepada Allah kerana Dialah sebaik-baik tempat pengaduan. Kita mesti yakin Dia sahaja yang dapat menolong. Oleh itu, apabila ditimpa musibah, sebutlah seperti apa yang Allah firmankan di dalam Al Quran iaitu orang-orang yang ditimpa musibah mengucapkan:


(Iaitu) orang-orang yang apabila mereka ditimpa oleh sesuatu kesusahan, mereka berkata: ?Sesungguhnya Kami adalah kepunyaan Allah dan kepada Allah jualah Kami kembali.? (Al Baqarah 02:156)

Nabi juga berpesan jika ditimpa musibah, supaya ditambahkan pula dengan doa:

Maksudnya :

?Sesungguhnya kami milik Allah dan kepadaNya kami akan kembali. Ya Allah! Berilah pahala kepadaku dalam musibahku dan gantilah untukku lebih baik daripada itu.?

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