Selasa, 12 April 2016

MY TRIP: JAKARTA-BALI via Jalur Darat- PANTURA, Biaya total Rp. 1 Jutaan

Kali ini saya mau sharing perjalanan saya dari Jakarta ke Bali via Jalur Darat. Mudah2an bisa pembaca bisa dapat info.

Perjalanan ini saya lakukan di tanggal 2 Januari 2016.
- Bensin: 3 kali isi@Rp. 230.000 = Rp. 700.000-an (Genapin aja 750.000).
- Tol 150.000 (Jakarta Brebes)+ Sekitar 25.000 (Gresik-Sidoarjo, saya lupa angka pastinya, tapi kurang lebih segitu)
- Kapal Fery Rp. 149.000 (genapin jadi 150.000)
Total: 1.075.000,- diluar biaya makan dan cemil-cemil

Sabtu, 2 Januari 2016
17.00 Jakarta
Saya sekeluarga berangkat dari Jakarta sekitar jam 5 sore, tetapi kami singgah dulu di Bekasi karena ada sesuatu yang harus kami kerjakan.
Dari Bekasi, kami langsung menuju ke Bali.
Sebelumnya, kami sudah mengisi full bensin untuk mobil Avanza 2014 seharga Rp. 250.000,-. Hanya untuk info, sepanjang perjalanan, kami menggunakan AC non-stop, hehehehehe.

Bekasi- Brebes: 20.00-23.00
Dulu kalau mau ke daerah Jawa Tengah, maka Anda harus masuk Tol Cikampek, kemudian harus melewati jalan biasa melewati Subang (Pamanukan), Cirebon sampai ke Brebes. Tetapi sekarang sejak era Jokowi, maka tol nya sudah nyambung sampai ke Pejagan Brebes.
Ada pun total biaya tolnya sekitar Rp. 150.000-an.

Setelah keluar di Brebes, maka kami singgah sekitar 15 menit untuk beli makanan khas Brebes, yaitu TELUR ASIN.
Tidak lama kemudian kami melanjutkan perjalanan.
Setelah masuk ke daerah Tegal, kami istirahat sekitar 1 jam, untuk makan malam. Kami memilih istirahat di Pom Bensin di daerah Tegal.

Minggu, 3 Januari 2016
Brebes- Semarang: 23.00-03.30
Karena kami jalannya malam, maka daerah yang kami lewati tidak macet. Tapi sebenarnya jalur di Jawa Tengah cukup oke karena rata-rata 3 jalur, jadi tidak terlalu padat.
Dari Brebes, maka kami masuk ke Tegal lalu melewati Pemalang, kemudian melewati Pekalongan, Batang, Kendal lalu sampailah di Semarang.
Di Semarang, kami mengisi bensin full seharga Rp. 230.000, lalu kami melanjutkan perjalanan.

Semarang- Demak- Kudus- Pati- Batangan- Rembang- Lasem- Tuban: 03.30- 06.00
Dari Semarang, sebenarnya kami nonstop (beberapa kali stop tetapi hanya untuk ke WC). Di WC Pom Bensin, biasanya kita harus bayar 2000 rupiah.
Sebelum masuk Tuban, maka Anda harus melewati beberapa kota seperti Demak, Kudus, Pati, Batangan, Rembang, Lasem. Lalu sampailah kita di Tuban.
Ketika masuk Tuban, matahari mulai bersinar dan disitulah saatnya saya bergantian menyetir dengan adik ipar saya.
Jalur Tuban memang sangat panjang. Dari Tuban, maka kita harus masuk ke daerah Gresik.

Tuban- Gresik- Surabaya- Sidoarjo: 06.00-12.00
Ketika sampai di Tuban, sebenarnya bagusnya masuk ke Gresik melewati Lamongan, tetapi karena saya ambil jalur Pantura, maka saya tidak melewati Lamongan. Sebenarnya sama saja, cuma kalau lewat jalur utara, jalurnya sempit karena cuma satu jalur.
Sampai di Kota Tuban sekitar jam 07.00. Jalur Tuban itu sangat panjang.
Sesudah lewat Tuban, maka kita akan sampai di Gresik. Nah, di Gresik ini kita langsung masuk tol sampai ke Sidoarjo melewati daerah Surabaya.

Makan siang di Daerah Pasuruan: 13.00
Setelah melewati Sidoarjo, Anda bisa berkunjung ke daerah lumpur Sidoarjo. Tapi karena berhubung kita kelewatan, ya sudah kita lewatkan saja.
Setelah keluar tol Anda akan melewati kota kecil yang bernama Bangil (entah itu kota atau bukan).
Kita berhenti di rumah makan sekitar Pasuruan untuk makan siang. Disini banyak kok makanan yang murah.
Tipsnya, jangan makan di tempat yang banyak nongkrong BUS Antar Kota, karena biasanya harganya agak sedikit mahal. Saya dan keluarga lebih pilih makanan bertarif sekitar 10.000 s/d 15.000-an.

Pasuruan- Probolinggo: 13.00-14.00
Jalur ini agak luas. Dan tibalah kita di daerah Paeton dimana Anda bisa melihat perusahaan besar (Pembangkit Jawa Bali). Daerah Paeton ini adalah daerah berbukit, dimana kendaraan Anda harus mendaki satu jalur.
Di daerah ini Anda harus berhati-hati untuk tidak melanggar lalu lintas. Karena ketika Anda menyalahi lalu lintas, ada pos polisi yang siap menindak Anda.
Ketika masuk perbatasan antara Probolinggo dengan Situbondo, tiba-tiba kami terkena macet parah karena ada truk terguling.
Dan kami terjebak tidak bisa kemana-mana karena antrian sangat panjang, sehingga kami harus menunggu penanganan polisi.

Dan truk terguling itu akhirnya bisa diatasi sekitar jam 16.00, itupun perjalanan kami tidak langsung lancar karena dari jalur yang lain juga sudah banyak kendaraan.
Setelah itu, kami ke Pom Bensin untuk mengisi bensin sekitar Rp. 220.000

Situbondo-Pelabuhan Banyuwangi: 16.00-20.00
Dari sini, kami mulai jalan santai dengan kecepatan maksimal 60 km/jam.
Sebelum sampai di Pelabuhan Banyuwangi, Anda akan melewati Hutan lebat, Alas Purwo.
Saran saya, ketika Anda masuk hutan tersebut, jangan berjalan sendiri. Ikutlah dengan kendaraan terdekat, karena dengar-dengar daerah ini cukup rawan bajing loncat.
Anda akan melewati hutan lebat ini selama sekitar 20-30 menit.
Dan setelah melewati hutan, sekitar 40 menit, Anda akan tiba di pelabuhan Banyuwangi.

Sebelum naik kapal Fery, maka Anda harus membayar sekitar 150.000/mobil. Penumpang tidak dihitung, alias gratis.
Ada pemeriksaan SIM dan STNK loh.

Pelabuhan Gilimanuk: 22.00 WITA
Sebenarnya sampenya jam 21.00, tapi karena di Bali pakai WITA, maka kita samakan jam terlebih dahulu.
Kami melanjutkan perjalanan, tetapi sekitar jam 23.00 kami berhenti di daerah Negara untuk makan malam.
Setelah melanjutkan perjalanan, kami lanjut dan sampai di Kuta sekitar jam 02.00.

Uniknya, karena kalau masuk hotel agak nanggung, maka mobil kami parkir di Kuta, dan kami tidur di mobil sampai jam 5 pagi. Pas jam 5, kami sudah boleh cek-in karena kebetulan kamarnya pas kosong. Lalu kami langsung melanjutkan perjalanan kami mengitari Bali.


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Seragam Kerja Berkualitas

Surewi Wardrobe Adalah supplier pakaian seragam kerja yang menerima pemesanan pakaian seragam kerja baik itu berupa seragam kantor, seragam pabrik, seragam lapangan, seragam hotel, seragam restaurant, seragam promosi dan aneka pakaian seragam lainnya.

Pelanggan kami tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, baik itu dari perusahaan Tambang, Perkantoran, Perkebunan, Perhotelan, Restaurant, Pabrikan, Otomotif dll.

Berikut beberapa contoh produksi kami :

Dapatkan penawaran produk terbaik dari kami, kami juga membantu Anda dalam pembuatan design seragam jika Anda belum mempunyai design seragam kerja.

* Seragam Kerja , Seragam Kantor, Seragam Hotel, Seragam Pabrik, Seragam kerja Jakarta, Seragam Kerja Tangerang, Seragam TV, Seragam Promosi, Seragam Karyawan, Seragam Kombinasi, Seragam Kelapa Gading, Seragam Sunter, Seragam Cilandak, Seragam Kemayoran, Seragam Kebayoran, Seragam Jakarta Pusat, Seragam Kerja Area Sudirman, Toko Kain Seragam, Toko Japan Drill, Toko American Drill, Toko Taiapan Drill.

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Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penampilan orkes barisan umumnya dapat dikelompokkan pada beberapa kategori menurut jenis dan cara memainkannya. Pengelompokkan ini secara tidak langsung pula memengaruhi struktur organisasi kepelatihan yang umumnya dispesifikasikan menurut kategori-kategori tersebut, masing-masing kategori memiliki pelatih tersendiri. Selain kepelatihan, pengelompokkan ini umumnya berpengaruh pula pada perilaku sosial para pemain yang terlibat dengan menciptakan kelas-kelas sosial non-formal yang membentuk kebanggaan kelompok.

Instrumen Musik Tiup
Pada mulanya, ragam instrumen musik tiup yang digunakan dalam orkes barisan identik dengan yang digunakan drum band (orkes barisan versi terdahulu). Namun pada perkembangannya, beberapa jenis instrumen musik tiup seperti cornet, clarinet, flugelhorn, saksofon (termasuk di dalamnya sofrano, alto, dan tenor), trombone, sousaphone, dan flute yang jamak digunakan sebelumnya sudah ditinggalkan. Umumnya, instrumen musik tiup yang digunakan dalam orkes barisan menggunakan nada dasar B? atau F. Jenis-jenis instrumen musik tiup yang digunakan orkes barisan umumnya adalah:
  • Trompet
  • French Horn
  • Mellophone
  • Tenor Horn
  • Baritone, Euphonium
  • Contra Bass/Tuba

Instrumen Musik Perkusi
Instrumen musik perkusi dalam orkes barisan merupakan jenis instrumen bergerak yang dibawa oleh pemain dan dimainkan dalam barisan seperti halnya instrumen musik tiup. Seksi yang memainkan instrumen musik perkusi sambil berjalan disebut juga sebagai lini drum atau battery. Ragam instrumen musik perkusi yang digunakan orkes barisan umumnya lebih sedikit dari yang digunakan pada drum band. Instrumen-instrumen tersebut adalah:
  • Snare drum
  • Drum tenor / Quint
  • Drum bass
  • Simbal

Instrumen Pit (Statis)
Instrumen pit pada dasarnya merupakan instrumen musik perkusi yang bernada. Pada penampilan orkes barisan, jenis instrumen ini bersifat statis, pemainnya tidak ikut dalam barisan seperti kelompok instrumen lainnya melainkan memainkannya di bagian depan lapangan yang digunakan dalam penampilan. Ragam jenis instrumen yang digunakan orkes barisan umumnya lebih bervariatif dibandingkan drum band (orkes barisan terdahulu). Beberapa grup orkes barisan bahkan kadang-kadang merakit sendiri instrumen pit untuk menghasilkan suara-suara unik dalam musik yang dimainkan. Jenis-jenis instrumen pit yang umumnya digunakan pada penampilan orkes barisan antara lain:
  • Xylophone
  • Vibraphone
  • Marimba
  • Simbal
  • Gong cina
  • Timpani
  • Drum bass konser
  • Tubular bell

Instrumen Bendera
Instrumen bendera tidak digunakan untuk bermain musik, melainkan dimanfaatkan oleh pemainnya sebagai alat bantu aksi tarian untuk menghasilkan efek-efek visual tertentu yang mendukung penampilan. Pada praktiknya, pemain instrumen ini tidak selalu menggunakan bendera sebagai aksesori, namun bisa menggunakan peralatan-peralatan lain seperti senapan kayu, selendang, panji-panji, atau bahkan sapu, tergantung pada koreografinya untuk mendukung penampilan secara keseluruhan. Namun biasanya instrumen dasar yang digunakan adalah; bendera, dan senapan kayu.

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 Dicuss how the social media and bloggers, citizen journalists affect the existence or survival of news production organizations.
How are these news productions organizations surviving the threat from social media, bloggers and citizens.
For most of human history the main means of communication was special, with face to face communication being the norm. In such oral cultures, communication, ideas and knowledge were transmitted across generation by word of mouth and the kind of repositories of useful knowledge we are used to such books and libraries just did not exist. Once speech could be written down and stored initialy on stone, the first writing culture began to emerge, religions, have played a major part in the development of producing manuscripts and religious text for study and transportation, such as on papyrus and parchment, to literally spread the world.
Yet although technological advances and new uses of older technologies played a crucial part in the development of the mass media, the influence of social,cultural and economic factors must also be taken into account.
However in the late twentieth century, new digital technologies such as the mobile phone, video games digital television and internet, have revolutionized the mass media. By the early 1990s it was clear that the future lay not with the individual personal computer (pc) with a global system of interconnected computers -internet.
Although many computer users may not have realized it that time, the pc was quickly to become little more than a point of access to events happening else where - event happening on a network sretching across the planet, a network that is not owned by any individual or organization.
Ifact the spread of the social media such as the internet has affected news production organisations in several ways. Let take music for example, the global industry in recording music is one of the most concentrated. The four largest firms universal (which absorbed poly gram in 1998),Time Warner, Sony BMG and EMI - control between 80 and 90 percent of all music sales internaly (Herman and Mac Chesney 1997). Until January 2000, when it announced a merger with Time Warner, EMI was the only organization among the top five that was not part of a longer media conglomerate. The music industry experienced substantial growth during the mid-1990s,with sale in developing countries particularly strong, promoting many of the top organizations to sign up more local artist in anticipation of further market growth.
However, the music industry has been challenged by the arrival of the internet, which allow users to (illigally) share music for free more easily and extensively than before and to produce and disseminate their own music without the need for large media corporations and marketing drives.
When it comes to the case of news papers, for half a century or more, newspapers were the cheap way of conveying inw quickly and coprehensively to a mass public. But their influence has waned with the rise of radio, cinema and much more important television,and increasingly the internet. Example, figures for news paper readership suggest that the proportion of people who read a national daily paper in Ghana has declined since the 1980s. Among men the proportion of daily news paper readers dropped from 76 percent in 1996 to 60 percent in 2005-7; readership levels are some what lower among women,but similar drop from 68 percent to 51 percent has taken place.
Indeed when it comes to how the traditional media outlet such as the newspapers, films and music are going to survive in the present of the new technological media.
The newspapers, films, music and other traditional media organizations have to diversify their output into media in I order to survive. In doing so newspaper organizations fir example have to make their production affordable for all in order to attract more readers to survive. For instance, the cheap daily press was pioneered in the united states with 'one cent daiy' paper in New York. The invention of cheap news print was the key to the mass diffusion of the newspapers from the late nineteenth century onwards.
Indeed, for the traditional media to survive they have to progress or thrive in the new digital environment. This could be done if They rebrand their products to attract their audience. In conclusion for every old product to sustain its validity in the presence of the new ones, the organizations that produce such a product have to do rebranding or packaging in order to survive. The same should be applied to the old media organizations for survival.

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Agar semakin bergairah dalam bercinta

Penurunan Gairah bercinta bisa dan dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, antara lain :

1. Kecapean
Kecapean yang disebabkan karena padatnya aktivitas bisa membuat tubuh menjadi cepat letih, kurang bergairah dan loyo, jadi keinginan berhubungan cinta pun menjadi berkurang.

2. Dehidrasi
Kekurangan cairan tubuh bisa jadi menurunkan libido/gairah dalam bercinta

3. Stress
Banyak studi yang membuktikan bahwa stress merupakan pembunuh terbesar dari gairah seksual/gairah bercinta.

4. Makanan yang berlemak
Makanan yang berlemak tinggi bisa jadi membuat kendur hasrat seksual anda.

Agar anda penuh gairah, gunakan juga minyak kutus-kutus, ... lihat disini ...

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The Movie - Babaouo (2000)

Said to be cool Babaouo movie

Movie Issued - in 2000.

Certificates: Spain:T
Countries: Spain
Genres: Fantasy
Runtimes: Spain:70
Release Dates: Spain:11 February 2000

In movie played:

Hugo de Campos (actor)
Birth Notes:Barcelona, Spain
His native language is Spanish, but he speaks English fluently, Started modeling at age 16
Birth Date:30 January 1968

Kai Puig (actor)

Xus Estruch (actress)
Birth Notes:Catalua, Spain

Sue Flack (actress)
Height:170 cm
Birth Notes:England, UK
Trained at the Drama Centre, London, 1984-1987, in Stanislavsky techniques., Speaks fluent English, Spanish and Catalan., Moved to Barcelona in 1990.
Other Works:Co-founder in 1998 of the Escapade Theatre Company in Barcelona., Is also a director and drama teacher., Sept. 2002 - Her production of Berkof's "Decadence", in which she acted as well as directed, was performed at El Festival del Sur in Agimes on the island of Gran Canaria, Spain.
Birth Date:21 November 1962

Cristina Piaget (actress)
Birth Notes:Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Birth Date:15 May 1969

Salvador Dal (writer)
Articles:"Minneapolis Star Tribune" (USA), 22 June 2009, by: Associated Press, "Unseen Dali Drawings, a Gift to Doctor Who Treated Him, to be Shown in Buffalo", "The Independent" (UK), 23 February 2009, Iss. 6977, pg. 12 - 13, by: Jerome Taylor, "Dali, Hollywood - and a surreal story", "The Independent Arts & Books Review" (UK), 2 February 2007, pg. 10 - 11, by: Geoffrey Mcnab, "The dream merchant", "Comixene" (Germany), April 2006, Iss. 93, pg. 42-51, by: Wiilli Bl, "Die Paranoia-Methode", "Le Soir" (Belgium), 8 March 2005, pg. 26, by: Dominique Legrand, "Dali des temps modernes", "The Philadelphia Inquirer" (USA), 13 February 2005, by: Carrie Rickey, "A Creator of Still Images Left His Mark on Moviemaking", "Epsilon" (Greece), 24 October 2004, Iss. 706, pg. 124-130, by: V. Kanelopoulos, "O Salvador stin bizoutiera mou", "Telegraph Magazine" (UK), 4 September 2004, Iss. 46417, pg. 6, by: Edwin Mullins, "Home, surreal home: In 1964, Edwin Mullins visited Salvador Dali at his home in the northern Costa Brava and watched art's great showman at work"
Born at 8:45am-UT, A business developer, in total seriousness, approached Dal with the intention to start a chain of lunch shops decorated with his artwork, and call the chain "Dalcatessen". Dal responded by calling the business developer a "madman", and refused to accept any further offers., Early in his life, Dal was an admirer of the painter 'Pablo Picasso' (qv) and based several of his early paintings on Picasso's cubist style., He is mentioned in the song "Big Wedge" by former Marillion singer 'Fish (I)' (qv)., In 1945, he signed on with 'Walt Disney' (qv) to assist in the development of a film to be entitled "Destino". The film project was cancelled with only 15 seconds of animation completed. The film was finally completed and released in 2003., He is also briefly mentioned in the song "Was It All Worth It?" by 'Queen (I)' (qv), in their 1989 album "The Miracle"., Was a student and later collaborator with 'Luis Buuel' (qv). Met at the School of Fine Arts in Madrid., Had a relationship with 'Amanda Lear' (qv)., He included his wife, 'Gala Dal' (qv), as a central character in many of his paintings., He had an older brother also named Salvador Dal (October 12, 1901-August 1, 1903)that died at the young age of 1 year and 9 months, from gastroenteritis. Consumed with pain, Dal's parents wasted no time in begetting another child. He was born nine months later and was named after his brother. This deceased brother was a ghost rival of Dal's throughout his childhood and was a disturbing influence in his psychological make-up. He grew up under the feeling that the first Salvador Dal was the real one and he a mere forgery., In 1923, in Madrid, at the Residencia de Estudiantes, Dal met the poet Federico Garca Lorca who promptly fell in love with him. A close and passionate friendship developed in the following years. In the summer of 1927 Lorca twice tried physical intimacy with a somewhat complacent Dal. He, nevertheless, became fearful of the homo-erotic aspects of the friendship and distanced himself of Lorca in 1928., In a relatively recent retrospective at the Tate Modern in Britain, a panel declared that Salvador Dali had designed the Tarot Cards in "Let Live and Let Die".
Pictorials:"Oui" (USA), January 1974, Vol. 3, Iss. 1, pg. 89, by: Dick Zimmerman, "Gimme...", "Playmen" (Italy), September 1967, Vol. 1, Iss. 4, pg. 42-49, by: Werner Bokelberg, "Dal all'eternit"
Trademarks:His moustache
Nick Names:Avida Dollars
Death Notes:Figueres, Girona, Catalonia, Spain (heart disease and pneumonia)
Biographical Movies:_Salvador Dal (1970)_ (qv), _The Death of Salvador Dali (2005)_ (qv), _Salvador Dal (1966)_ (qv), _Surrealissimo: The Trial of Salvador Dali (2002) (TV)_ (qv), _Dal (1991)_ (qv), _Salvador Dal: Live to Not Die (2004) (TV)_ (qv), _"Arena" (1975) {Salvador Dali}_ (qv)
Surrealist-turned-catholic painter Dal work next to a range of films in role of very well. While a contestant of the French surrealist cattle, he co-wrote _Un chien andalou (1929)_ (qv) and _L'ge d'or (1930)_ (qv) beside 'Luis Buuel' (qv). The latter may enjoy flawed the genesis of a drawn out perform with the surrealists when Dal perpetrate not agree on Buuel's anti-clericalism. While Dal's fine art method become ever more received, he worked on project with 'Walt Disney' (qv) and 'Alfred Hitchcock (I)' (qv), in stay of whom he write the stupor progression of _Spellbound (1945)_ (qv). Plans on a hoary blind with the Marx Brothers be drop. The hoard Dal earn in Hollywood and elsewhere, along with his racism and his concentration for Europe's fascist dictator, push an put off to his children with the (at that juncture chiefly trotskyist) surrealists, whose initial integer 'Andr Breton' (qv) since nickname Dal "Avida Dollars" (anagram).
Height:172 cm
Quotes:[when asked if he took drugs] I do not DO drugs. I AM drugs!, There are some days when I think I'm going to die from an overdose of satisfaction., What is a television apparatus to man, who has only to shut his eyes to see the most inaccessible regions of the seen and the never seen, who has only to imagine in order to pierce through walls and cause all the planetary Baghdads of his dreams to rise from the dust., The only difference between a madman and me is that I am not mad., Do you know . . . ? Every day, I see new things in the shape of stones., I do not understand why man should be capable of so little fantasy., [when asked what was his destiny] To become classic!, I'm in a permanent state of intellectual erection., Beauty is but the conscious sum of all our perversions., Take me, I am the drug. Take me, I am the hallucinogenic., What is important is to spread confusion, not eliminate it., Everything leads me to think that, in the near future, reality will be considered exclusively as a mere state of depression and inactivity of the mind., The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot.
Interviews:"Oui" (USA), November 1978, Vol. 7, Iss. 11, pg. 14, by: Michael Delon, "Goodbye Dali", "Oui" (USA), July 1974, Vol. 3, Iss. 7, pg. 70-72,+102-104, "Conversation With Salvador Dali"
Birth Notes:Figueres, Girona, Catalonia, Spain
Books:Ian Gibson. _The Shameful Life of Salvador Dali._ Norton Publishing,, Salvador Dali, translated by Captain J. Peter Moore. _Les Diners de Gala._ New York: Felicie, 1973. ISBN 0960069216, Gilles Neret . _Dal, monografija._ Zagreb: VBZ, 2001. ISBN 953-201-064-5, Nathaniel Harris. _Dali - ?ivot i djelo._ Zagreb: Mozaik knjiga, 1998. ISBN 953-173-856-4, Michel Nuridsany. _Dali._ Paris: Flammarion, 2005., Max Gerard (ed., arranger), Eleanor R. Morse (translator). _Dali._ New York: Abrams, 1968., Salvador Dali (translated by Capt. Peter Moore). _Les Diners de Gala._ New York: Felicie, 1973. ISBN 0960069216
Magazine Covers:"ARTnews" (USA), December 2000, "Telegraph Magazine" (UK), 6 September 1968, "Stern" (West Germany), 29 August 1965, "Spiegel" (West Germany), 28 December 1960
Other Works:Print advertisement for Polaroid Land cameras (1960), Book, "The Secret Life of Salvador Dali" (autobiography), TV commercial for Alka-Seltzer (1974)., TV commercial for Braniff Airlines (1967)., TV commercial for Chocolat Lanvin (1974)., TV commercial for Datsun Car (1973).
Birth Name:Dal y Domenech, Salvador Felipe Jacinto
Spouse:'Gala Dal' (qv) (30 January 1934 - 10 June 1982) (her death)
Death Date:23 January 1989
Portrayed:_When Billie Beat Bobby (2001) (TV)_ (qv), _The Death of Salvador Dali (2005)_ (qv), _Surrealissimo: The Trial of Salvador Dali (2002) (TV)_ (qv), _Dal (1991)_ (qv), _Erased Faces II (2006)_ (qv)
Birth Date:11 May 1904

Pilar Parcerisas (writer)

Josep M. Civit (cinematographer)
Birth Name:Civit, Josep Maria
Birth Notes:Barcelona
Birth Date:24 June 1954

Manel Camp (composer)
Birth Notes:Manresa, Catalua, Spain
Birth Date:1947

Manuel Cuss-Ferrer (director)

Anastasi Rinos (editor)
Birth Notes:Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Birth Date:11 April 1949

This movie can be found also by requests salvador-dal, cadaqus, surrealism, based-on-novel

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