Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

Bisnis Ala Mahasiswa Cerdas

Saya slalu rindu pada sobat semua, saya berharap sobat semua slalu dalam lindungan Yang Maha Kuasa. Bahasan kali ini adalan tentang Bisnis Ala Mahasiswa Cerdas."Bagi mahasiswa sepertinya sulit dan tdak ada waktu untuk berbisnis. Waktu habis untuk mengerjakan tugas dan cari makalah. Namun jika anda kreatif banyak peluang usaha yang mudah dan tidak menyita waktu.Sangat cocok untuk dilakukan oleh mahasiswa. Salah satu contoh adalah jualan pulsa elektrik. Koq jualan pulsa elektrik sich?

Yoi,.. karena jualan pulsa elektrik tidak menyita waktu, tidak butuh modal besar, bisa dilakukan dengan mudah dan yang paling penting adalah pasar yang sangat terbuka LEBAR. Kalau anda mahasiswa, rekan kampus dan dosen anda adalah PASAR LEGIT. Kebutuhan akan pulsa dewasa ini sudah merupakan kebutuhan PRIMER.

Coba bro amati berapa teman yang pake BB, TAB, atau gadget lainnya. Dalam sebulan pasti mereka berkali-kali mengisi pulsa, apalagi bagi mereka yang suka browsing, facebook, twiter dll. Mereka semua adalah calon KONSUMEN TETAP. Jadi jangan khawatir kalau jualan pulsa tidak akan laku, jawabannya PASTI LAKU dan bro akan keteter buat memenuhi kebutuhan mereka akan pulsa. Tapi ingat JANGAN SAMPAI dihutangkan. Kalau satu dua hari boleh lah, kalau terlalu lama bisa macet uang kita.
.Transaksi pulsa elektrik sekarang sudah bisa dilakukan oleh berbagai aplikasi. Jadi untuk transaksi pulsa tidak selalu dengan sms. Sekarang transaksi pulsa bisa dilakukan dengan yahoo messenger atau gtalk. Semakin mudah dan gampang transaksi semakin cepat.

So,mau bisnis? Jualan pulsa saja, GARANSI modal dalam sebulan bisa balik, syarat dan ketentuan berlaku..he..he.. "
Source : http://siupitronik.blogspot.com/2013/09/bisnis-ala-mahasiswa-cerdas.html

         Sekian bahasan tentang Bisnis Ala Mahasiswa Cerdas ini dan penutup dari saya semoga berkenan di hati dan kami ucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya.

Berpantun di pagi Selasa...

Salam sejahtera buat sobat semuanya, semoga selalu diberi kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan yang abadi. Hari ini kita akan mencoba membahas tentang Berpantun di pagi Selasa...."

Kain belacu berbenang suasa
kemas tersimpan di dalam peti
hendak kuluah pelbagai rasa
takut lain yang orang mengerti

Isi air ke dalam cangkir
dibawa belayar dalam perahu
biar di bibir senyum terukir
luka di hati siapa yang tahu...

Source : http://kakciknurseroja.blogspot.com/2013/11/berpantun-di-pagi-selasa.html

         Demikian yang dapat saya paparkan mengenai Berpantun di pagi Selasa... yang menjadi pokok bahasan kali ini, tentunya masih banyak kekurangan dan kelemahannya, kerena terbatasnya pengetahuan dan kurangnya rujukan atau referensi yang ada hubungannya dengan judul postingan ini.

Perting di PPY

Gimana nih hari ini kabarnya sobat semua ?, he he yang pastinya lagi bahagia dan sehat kan sobat semua !. Topik kita kali ini adalah Perting di PPY."
Kemarin malam, saya bersama angkatan mengadakan PERTING (Pertemuan Tingkat) di PPY. Perting kali ini berbeda dengan perting biasanya, karena diadakan di luar seminari. saya pribadi merasa semangat untuk mengikuti perting di PPY. Namun sayang, ada 2 teman saya tidak bisa ikut karena sakit. Meskipun demikian, perting tetap berjalan. Kami berangkat setelah makan malam. Oleh karena saya sedang sakit, saya bersama teman (Baur) memutuskan untuk naik kendaraan motor untuk pergi ke PPY. teman-teman dan Rm. Mardi (Wali tingkat 6) naik sepeda. Kami sampai di PPY pukul 21.15.
Saya baru pertama kali datang ke PPY. terkesan tampak dari luar, PPY sangat kecil. Namun ketika memasuki ruangan, saya sungguh dikejutkan dengan bentuk bangunan yang efektif. Kami beristirahat sejenak sembari minum teh, kopi yang telah disediakan.
Tepat jam 21.30, kami mengadakan perting. Perting diawali dengan menonton profil PPY oleh Rm. Mardi Kartono, SJ. Rm. Mardi adalah direktur dari PPY, sehingga kami bisa menggunakan tempat tanpa harus membayar. Agenda perting kali ini adalah sharing dari setiap pribadi berkaitan dengan gambaran karakter pribadi dan gambaran Yesus menurut pribadi.
Saya sangat menikmati perting kali ini. Saya merasa tidak bosan dan ngantuk meski acara baru dimulai jam 21.30. saya mendengarkan sharing dari teman-teman. Saya merasa senang dengan angkatan pasca toper. Saya merasa nyaman dengan kehadiran mereka. Mereka tidak menguasai dan mendominasi. Saya merasa kita sangat menerima dari perbedaan. Saya merasakan kekompakan dengan angkatan.��������������
Satu per satu dari kami menceritakan karakter diri. Kami diminta untuk saling meneguhkan dari setiap sharing teman-teman. Kami saling meneguhkan dengan gaya kami masing-masing. Dengan santai, kami memberikan masukkan, sehingga tidak ada rasa emosi atau menjatuhkan. Saya termasuk orang yang memberikan masukan dengan gaya selengekan.
Pada saat giliran, saya menceritakan karakter saya seperti batu yang keras. Saya adalah pribadi yang keras. Batu itu bisa dilihat dari 2 sisi. Satu sisi batu itu bisa untuk menyakitkan orang dengan cara dilemparkan, tetapi di satu sisi batu itu bisa untuk pondasi. Kira-kira itu gambaran saya. Saya adalah pribadi yang cuek. Jika orang tidak mengenal saya, maka orang akan menganggap saya adalah pribadi yang angkuh. Saya termasuk orang yang mudah emosi, sehingga tidak sedikit orang takut jika berbicara dengan saya. Namun, saya ingin orang-orang yang dekat dengan saya merasa nyaman. saya tidak ingin orang-orang yang dekat dengan saya merasa tidak nyaman. saya berupaya agar kehadiran saya sungguh mengayomi orang-orang yang saya cintai.
Saya menggambarkan Yesus yang Feel Free. Saya merasa Yesus sungguh pribadi yang feel free. Jika tidak feel free, maka Yesus tidak akan mau mati di kayu salib. Saya melihat ke-feel freean Yesus ketika mau wafat di kayu salib. Pada saat pembuatan tesis mata kuliah Kristologi kontekstual, saya pun menyebut Yesus pribadi yang feel free dengan pendasaran teologis dan kitab suci.
Saya mendapat peneguhan dari seorang sahabat dekat saya, yaitu Eltara. Dia mengatakan bahwa saya sudah sopan. Semua orang tertawa ketika mendengar komentar itu. artinya, saya sudah halus ketika menyapa orang. Sebab dulu menurutnya, saya sangat tidak sopan dan cuek ketika bertemu dengan orang. Saya senang mendapat masukan SOPAN. Saya terima masukan itu, semoga ke depannya saya semakin sopan dan ramah.
Acara berlangsung tanpa kita sadari sampai jam 2.30 pagi. Kami ditawari oleh Rm. Mardi untuk misa sekarang atau besok pagi. Kami sepakat untuk langsung misa. Saya heran mengapa saya tidak merasa ngantuk. Padahal ketika jam 23.34, saya merasa ngantuk sekali. Tetapi setelah jam 1.00, saya merasa segar dan menikmati sharing dari teman-teman. Kami pun misa dini hari di kapel PPY.
Ada ceremony peneguhan pada saat misa. Seorang teman, Merdi, membacakan target kami di tingkat 6 ini. Saya menargetkan di tingkat 6 ini bisa lulus ujian ad audiendas dan pindah ke paroki. Sedangkan teman-teman yang lain masih sibuk dengan tesis. Setelah membacakan target, kami diberkati oleh romo dan mendapat kenang-kenangan baju angkatan dengan berspiritualitaskan 1 jiwa, 1 pikiran. Saya merasa spritualitas ini tepat. Saya merasakan 1 jiwa dan 1 pikiran di angkatan ini. Misa selesai jam 4.00 pagi. Kami pun langsung menyerbu kasur yang sudah disediakan. Tanpa diskusi panjang, kami terlelap tidur.
Baru saja kami merasakan nyenyak tidur, kami harus bangun. Sesuai dengan agenda, kami akan mengadakan acara jalan-jalan dengan bersepeda pada jam 6.30. dengan mata masih setengah tertutup, saya pun bangun dan bergegas untuk pulang. Karena saya menggungakan motor, saya pulang lebih dahulu. Teman-teman dan romo melanjutkan jalan-jalan dengan bersepeda ria di kota Yogyakarta.
Saya bersyukur bisa mendengar kisah teman-teman yang bervariasi. Saya semakin mengenal tiap pribadi. Namun sayang, mengapa baru saya alami di tahun-tahun terakhir. Meski demikian, saya masih bersyukur sempat mengalami masa terindah bersama orang-orang luar biasa yang sedang memperjuangkan tujuan utama.

Feel free untuk selalu bersama sahabat�
Source : http://christymahendra.blogspot.com/2012/10/perting-di-ppy.html

         Sampai disini artikel tentang Perting di PPY ini saya buat, semoga cukup bermanfaat dan dapat membantu anda semuanya.

54 / Benoit David / Canada

Bagaimana kabar Sahabat semua hari ini ?, tentunya semoga berbahagia dan sehat selalu. Ok langsung saja ke poko pembicaraan kita yaitu mengenai 54 / Benoit David / Canada."

Source : http://abad-23.blogspot.com/2011/06/54-benoit-david.html

         Demikianlah artikel yang bisa saya share mengenai 54 / Benoit David / Canada semoga bermanfaat dan berguna untuk anda semua

Broach Cutter and Drilling Machines For You - Schifler.de

Saya slalu rindu pada sobat semua, saya berharap sobat semua slalu dalam lindungan Yang Maha Kuasa. Bahasan kali ini adalan tentang Broach Cutter and Drilling Machines For You - Schifler.de."
Schifler has been in the trade of various Broach cutters , Drill Bits, drilling tools since its incorporation.
Strongly oriented to export. Schifler operates in foreign markets both directly and indirectly through subsidiaries , agents and distributors.
Our program revolves around drilling technology for metals as well as Concrete.
The Schifler range of hammer Drill bits, Core Drill / Annular Cutter are the type of tool which has made the drilling in concrete &
metal much more easy as compared to the commonly used conventional method.�
Schifler has excelled in its mission to provide innovative tools and tooling solutions of the best in quality and performance.
The products, offered by us, are at par with industry standards manufactured with latest machinery and processes managed by our motivated
team of professional having in depth knowledge and experience in their respective domain. Our team is dedicated to meeting end to end requirement of the customers within committed time frame
For more details visit www.schifler.de
Source : http://xeffortx.blogspot.com/2014/07/broach-cutter-and-drilling-machines-for.html

         Demikianlah yang dapat saya sampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini, dengan penuh harapan semoga kita semua dapat mengambil intisari dari pembahasan Broach Cutter and Drilling Machines For You - Schifler.de ini. Kurang lebih nya kami mohon maaf.


Salam persaudaraan buat sobat blogger semua, harapan saya semoga sahabat semua selalu dalam keadaaan yang makmur dan sejahtera. Kali ini kita akan membuka tema tentang RATAPAN SI ANAK TIRI."

Ibu...di manakah dikau sekarang, ibu?
Aku rindu akan belaian kasihmu, ibu
aku rindu akan kucupan mesra di dahiku, darimu ibuku.

Ibu...di manakah dikau ibu?
Saban hari aku teringat akan dirimu, ibu
saban waktu aku terkenang akan dirimu, ibu
aku rindukan kamu, ibuku.

Ibu...tidakkah engkau tahu tersiksanya diriku ibu?
Bertapa tersiksanya aku sejak kehilanganmu
bertapa tersiksanya aku sejak engkau meninggalkan aku dan ayah, ibu
bertapa tersiksanya aku ketika rindu membelai kalbuku.

Ibu...ayah ibu...ayah membawa ibu baru untukku
ibu tercantik di mata ayah, ibu
ibu sempurna buat ayah, ibu
tapi ibu neraka buat diriku.
Ya!...ibu...ibu neraka untukku.

Ibu...kau lihatlah ibu
kau ulitlah badanku ini ibu
dan kau tiliklah satu persatu
pastinya engkau akan dapat melihatnya ibu
kesan cemati yang berbirat; berselirat memenuhi tubuhku.

Ibu...sakitnya tubuhku ini ibu
pedihnya tubuhku ini ibu
seksanya aku dan batinku ibu.

Ibu...kenapa ibu?
Kenapa engkau pergi meninggalkan aku ibu?
Kenapa engkau tega meninggalkan aku yang masih memerlukan belaian manjamu
hanya kerana engkau terikutkan kata-kata lelaki yang engkau kasihi, ibu
engkau meninggalkan diriku bersama penderitaan di tubuh dan kalbuku, ibuku.

Aku berdoa untukmu ibu
aku doakan agar engkau berbahagia selalu
dan sementara aku hidup di dunia ini
biarlah aku yang menjadi mangsa kekejamanmu dan ibu tiriku.

Parut dan luka di tubuhku adalah hadiah pemberian kamu, ibuku.


Source : http://sangpujanggalangit.blogspot.com/2012/03/ratapan-si-anak-tiri.html

         Kepada para pembaca, saya memohon maaf apabila terdapat kekurangan dan kekeliruan bagi tulisan yang saya buat ini. Karena penulis sendiri hanyalah manusia yang bisa melakukan kesalahan. Akhir kata semoga kupasan tentang RATAPAN SI ANAK TIRI yang saya buat ini dapat bermanfaat untuk saya khususnya dan pembaca sekalian.

2009 Volkswagen Scirocco: Official Details & High Res Images

Salam persaudaraan buat sobat blogger semua, harapan saya semoga sahabat semua selalu dalam keadaaan yang makmur dan sejahtera. Kali ini kita akan membuka tema tentang 2009 Volkswagen Scirocco: Official Details & High Res Images."Today, Volkswagen officially took the wraps off its all-new Scirocco that will make its public premiere at the Geneva Motor Show with sales starting in Europe this summer. More of a sporty hatch than a true coupe, the Scirocco shares its underpinnings with the Golf. In terms of dimensions, the four-seater Scirocco is 1,400 mm tall, 4,256 mm long and 1,810 mm wide. There�s not too much space for luggage though as, loaded up to the height of the cargo cover, the Scirocco offers a mediocre volume of 292 liters. If the seatbacks of the rear individual seats are folded down, a cargo area capacity of 755 liters is available.

Volkswagen will be offering the Scirocco with the three turbocharged, direct-injection gasoline engines delivering 122 Hp (1.4-liter), 160 Hp (1.8-liter) and 200 Hp (2.0-liter) and a 2.0-liter common rail turbodiesel unit with 140 Hp. All of the engines are matted to a six-speed gearbox. Optionally, apart from the basic 122 Hp TSI engine, all the other units can be combined with VW�s dual-clutch transmission.

The basic 122 Hp Scirocco can go from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 9.7 sec and on to a top speed of 200 km/h or 124 mph; the 160 Hp version needs 8.0 sec while its top speed is 217 km/h or 135 mph; the 200 Hp Scirocco handles the sprint in 7.2 sec and reaches 235 km/h or 146 mph; as for the 140 Hp diesel version, it can go up to 207 km/h or 128 mph with a 0-100 km/h time of 9.3 seconds. �Details and images after the jump


Scirocco - Key Aspects

World premiere in Geneva:
Scirocco is the sports car for every day of the year

Design with wagon-coup� roof offers surprising amount of interior space

All-round characteristics of the Scirocco enable multivariable use

Scirocco is the first sports car with transverse mounted 7-speed DSG

The designers of the third generation of the Scirocco unmistakably designed it to be a pure sports car. Different than the original Scirocco of the 1970s, and the second generation introduced in the 1980s, the new car offers substantially greater interior space. That is because � in contrast to its two predecessors � the Scirocco of the year 2008 does not have a sloping hatchback, but a wagon back with matching long roof and steep tailgate. This offers two distinct advantages. First: the Scirocco exhibits very crisp proportions. Especially when viewed from the rear, it immediately becomes apparent that the 1.80 meter long roof with its lateral arrays of windows stands on very wide and powerful shoulder sections. So the Scirocco gets a waist that is flawlessly cut right from sports car principles. Second: The new model also has space in the rear for two adults plus sufficient luggage. All things considered, the progressively styled Scirocco combines a high level of everyday utility with a classy design.

Scirocco - Design and dimensions

The crisp dimensions of the new sports car also speak with a clear language. The Scirocco � with its short overhangs � exploits its wheelbase of 2,578 millimeters efficiently for maximum space. The Volkswagen is 1,400 millimeters tall, exactly 4,256 millimeters long and 1,810 millimeters wide.

Front end

The front end of the Scirocco displays a completely new Volkswagen design language. On the one hand, it preserves historical elements, while simultaneously taking a great leap forward. The radiator grille and bumper are characterized by a dynamic that is timeless and impressive. Technically, the front end concept also fulfills Volkswagen�s stringent requirements for pedestrian protection.

Stylistically, the upper area of the Scirocco�s front end is dominated primarily by horizontal lines. Spanning the area between the prominent dual headlamps is a very narrow air inlet in luxurious black. Beneath this is a very clearly designed area in car color. This narrow double band of the black radiator grille and bumper painted in car color, defined by sharp lines, will be used to identify other new models in the future.

In the lower section of the front end, the image is marked by a central air inlet in black with its diamond-shaped pattern, and to its left and right the integrated turn signal and fog lamps. Incidentally, besides the New Beetle, the Scirocco is the only other Volkswagen to sport the VW emblem, not on the radiator grille, but on the engine hood instead.

Side profile

If you run your hand, first over one of the headlamps, then over the fender and a door, you will notice that the profile curves alternate in direction. Depending on the perspective and incident light, these transitions on the sides of the car give it the appearance of a moving muscle. The powerful image is reinforced by the standard 17-inch wheels, which � due to the large track width (front 1,569, rear 1,575 millimeters) � are practically flush with the body.

Furthermore, it is the hidden B-pillar, the line of windows that rises steeply toward the rear, and the conspicuously striking C-pillar that � together with the long roof line that appears to be endless � convey a very unique presence and dynamics. In the rear area, an integrated roof spoiler offers another plus in dynamics and additional downforce at the rear axle. Set in very clear counterpoint are the sculpturally shaped taillights that are also eye-catching and prominent from the side view.

Rear end

The sculptural form of the wide taillights is most apparent when viewed from the rear. Here, the car�s character is defined by the ratio of proportions between the roof and shoulder section and thereby the car�s waist. It is sharply contoured, since the roof runs significantly narrower than the overall body. These stylistic traits produce a design typical of a very powerful and significantly more expensive sports car. In any case, the really wide track actually looks even wider than it is. From the rear, the C pillars cannot be made out, since the rear window extends across the entire vehicle width. The overall design of the rear end � broader, with heftier bumpers plus a wide wheel track, the roof line and roof spoiler, plus wide wrap-around rear window � all lend an exceptionally powerful image to this car.

Scirocco - Interior

Four sport seats

The Scirocco is a full-fledged four seater. Here, full-fledged means that two adults can be seated comfortably in the rear. Even when a 1.90 meters tall driver adjusts the seat, there is still plenty of knee room in the back. There is no sense of cramped space here. Also guaranteeing that everything is comfortable in this new sports car are the four sport seats. Similar to the new Passat CC, ideally-contoured ergonomic individual seats are used in the back of the Scirocco. Providing for a high level of safety are the headrests that are permanently mounted to the seatbacks in the rear.

The front sport seats include an Easy Entry feature for easier entry and exit of the rear passengers. Specifically, when the seatback of a front seat is unlatched, the seat moves forward; afterwards, it automatically returns to its preset position. Also standard: height adjustment of the front sport seats. By way of an option for the Scirocco, Volkswagen also offers a �Lifestyle seat upholstery and trim� with Alcantara appointments and the leather upholstery and trim �Vienna�, the latter in the colors �Titanium Black� or �Truffle�.

Cargo area

The cargo area shows good size too. Laid out like a station wagon, loaded up to the height of the cargo cover it offers a volume of 292 liters. If the seatbacks of the rear individual seats are folded down, a cargo area capacity of 755 liters is available. Even in this case, there is no problem loading the car up to the roofliner, since a cargo net can be integrated behind the front seats.


The driver and front passenger in the Scirocco experience a sporty and well-developed ergo�nomic environment. Pleasing to the touch and appealing to the eye are the complex designs of the interior door trim. Instruments and gages have also been laid out intuitively and clearly. In particular, the center console with its controls arranged at a high level exhibits a refreshingly clear layout. Arranged directly beneath the two center air vents is the selected audio system. The latest equipment generation is being implemented on the Scirocco (RCD 210 to RCD 510). Always there: a MP3-capable CD player and changer. In parallel, there will be two audio-navigation �systems. The top model, designated the RNS 510, delivers refined features such as a 6.5-inch touchscreen and an extremely fast 30 gigabyte hard drive. The Scirocco also features a special instrument cluster with white illumination.

Scirocco - Engines and transmissions

Volkswagen will be offering the Scirocco as the world�s first sports car whose engines are all charged. The three TSIs � gasoline direct-injection engines �output 90 kW / 122 PS, 118 kW / 160 PS and 147 kW / 200 PS. The TDI, a highly advanced common rail engine, develops 103 kW / 140 PS. All of the Sciroccos are shifted by a six-speed gearbox.

TSI with 122 PS

Maximum power with minimal consumption � within a very short period of time this property has made the TSI four cylinders synonymous with a new generation of the most fuel-efficient and at the same time sporty Volkswagen engines. Representing the entry level into the world of these multiple award winning engines is a 90 kW / 122 PS strong TSI (at 5,000 rpm). In the Scirocco, the four cylinder engine develops its maximum torque of 200 Newton-meter at a low 1,500 rpm � i.e. just above idling speed. The TSI takes the car to a top speed of 200 km/h. The122 PS Scirocco handles the classic 0-100-km/h sprint in 9.7 seconds. Its average fuel consumption of 6.1 liters Super Unleaded per 100 kilometers makes it one of the most economical sports cars of its class. Important: even this entry-level engine breathes agility into the Scirocco in the lower speed range and turns country highways into a source of great enjoyment.

TSI with 160 PS

This is the latest TSI: a four cylinder, turbo- and supercharged, with 118 kW / 160 PS (at 5,900 rpm). Like all of the TSIs, this engine is exceptionally economical (average fuel consumption: 6.5 l/100 km) and torque-strong (maximum of 240 Newton-meter at just 1,750 rpm) too. This TSI takes the Scirocco from rest to 100 km/h in 8.0 seconds; its top speed is 217 km/h. As an option, the 160 PS TSI may be paired with the first 7-speed dual clutch transmission (DSG) in the world that is transverse mounted.

TSI with 200 PS

At the highest power level, the Scirocco comes with a powerful 147 kW / 200 PS (at 6,000 rpm) TSI. It too has a turbocharger, and it also shines with very good torque and fuel economy. Per 100 kilometers this 280 New�ton-meter (from 1,700 rpm) strong four cylinder consumes just 7.6 liters of fuel. Yet it can still deliver a top speed of 235 km/h. The highest performing Scirocco of all times completes the sprint to 100 km/h in 7.2 seconds. As on the Golf GTI with an identical engine, for example, this engine can be ordered with an inno�vative 6-speed dual clutch transmission on the Scirocco too.

TDI with 140 PS

At its market launch in Europe, the Scirocco will already be available with a clean and torque-strong 140 PS TDI (103 kW at 4,200 rpm). This highly advanced common rail diesel is especially quiet. It develops its maximum torque of 320 Newton-meters starting at just 1,750 rpm. The Scirocco completes the 0-100-km/h sprint in just 9.3 seconds with this TDI. Its top speed of 207 km/h contrasts with an average fuel consumption of just 5.4 liters per 100 kilometers. Volkswagen offers an optional 6-speed DSG with this engine too.

Scirocco - Highlights in driving dynamics


Perfectly tailored to a sports car like the new Scirocco is the newly developed �adaptive chassis control�. It exercises direct control, not only over the suspension characteristic, but also over tuning of the electro-mechanical power steering.

�Adaptive chassis control� offers three programs: �Normal�, �Sport� and �Comfort�. �Sport� and �Comfort� are each selected by a button in front of the gearshift lever. It is important to note here that �adaptive chassis control� improves the driving properties of the Scirocco in �Normal� mode too � that is, all the time. That is because the suspension is continually being adapted to the roadway and driving situation. The system also reacts to acceleration, braking and steering inputs. This resolves the conflict in goals between a stiff sporty suspension and a comfortable one. That is precisely what makes for considerably better ride comfort � which is also quite noticeable in the �Normal� mode.

The �Sport� program can be recommended as a type of �Nuremburg Ring� North Loop� race track mode. In this case, the suspension is significantly stiffer. In parallel, the power-assist for steering is reduced for more direct steering response. The opposite is done in �Comfort� mode. In this case, ride comfort is especially improved on poor roadways and while driving slowly.

Source : http://www.carscoops.com/2008/03/2009-volkswagen-scirocco-official.html

         Demikianlah artikel yang bisa saya share mengenai 2009 Volkswagen Scirocco: Official Details & High Res Images semoga bermanfaat dan berguna untuk anda semua