There are three other Inquisitorial Chancels. Here is a brief list of the other inquisitors. I'll be adding a little more details here. You can also use this post to write down information you find out about these NPCs.
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Locus Parasiel "Mitrophorous"
- His Imperial Majest Parasiel: The Hundred-Handed Angel
- Ianthe Falls-Short - The Power of Debate
- Nephele Nikolaidhis - The Power of Festivals
- Pandareos Panagiotis - The Power of Conspiracy
- Thalasseus - The Power of Trade
Locus Ambrolam and Precipice Citadel
- His Imperial Majesty, Ambrolam: The Augur on Two Roads
- Patrick Romney's-Son Olam's-Serf Precipice-Lord - The Power of Chaos
- Walking Eye - The Power of Borders
- Ada Willamette - The Power of Strife
Locus Sakhrat
- His Imperial Majesty Sakhrat: The Gray Mask
- Helissent de Reymes - The Power of Mazes
- Lance Romenel - The Power of Records
- Idony Saint-Germain - The Power of Bureaucracy
- Superstes Annabelle Zupay - The Power of Trails
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