Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Repetitio mater memoriae

Recording also available at iPadio using this link.

Today's saying is Repetitio mater memoriae. In English: "Repetition is the mother of memory."

I promised last week that I would cover this Latin saying about repetition, which is of course very similar to the English saying, "Repetition is the mother of learning." I think I prefer the Latin phrase to the English one, because memorization is a kind of learning which really is best aided by repetition. There are other methods you can use to commit things to memory, but repetition is one of the best. Plus, don't think that repetition just means when you repeat something over and over again. There are other kinds of repetition that are an aid to memory, as you can see in the phrase mater memoriae, "the mother of memory." In both the Latin and the English there is the repetition of the "m" sound, and this kind of alliteration - a sound repetition inside the thing itself - actually makes it easier to remember. So, repeat after me: Repetitio mater memoriae, "Repetition is the mother of memory."

In terms of Latin grammar, it is worth noting that the reason repetition is the mother, mater, of memory is because the Latin noun repetitio is feminine in gender. There are lots of these "family" proverbs in Latin, and whether a particular abstract noun gets to be the father or the mother of something depends on the grammatical gender of the noun. In the proverb Labor gloriae pater, "Work is the father of glory," the noun labor, masculine in gender, gets to be the father of glory, just as repetitio, feminine in gender, is the mother of memory.

For those of you who are fans of macrons, here is the Latin written with macrons:

Repet?ti? est m?ter memoriae.


reff : http://audiolatinproverbs.blogspot.com/2011/01/repetitio-mater-memoriae.html

ARDI Team Manager Alert: 3-4-16

ARDI Team Manager Alert: 3-4-16
Friday, March 4, 2016
All ARDI Team Managers
Copy ACMs

State Tournament
Date: Saturday, March 12, 2016
Location: University of Arkansas Pine Bluff
Location: HPER Complex, 1542-1598 L A Prexy Davis Dr, Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Location: Latitude: 34.245637 | Longitude:-92.024336

What You Should Know NOW:

Tournament schedule and maps are posted on the ARDI website under Tournaments: http://arkansasdi.org/

You, your drivers, your team member parents and guests must review, print and bring these documents to tournament. Your driver must follow the blue primary route to the HPER Complex where you, as a Team Manager, will register your team. A section of LA Prexy Davis Drive will be CLOSED for tournament. Please read our tournament maps.

1. Each year DI deals with various affects of ?Bad Behavior.? Recognizing this problem, Arkansas Destination Imagination, Inc. (ARDI) has adopted a ?Zero Tolerance? for unsportsmanlike conduct, bullying, deception, cheating, littering, inappropriate language and the display of bad character. These rules apply to every person participating in or attending a DI event or tournament. We encourage our adult Volunteers and Program Officials to help lead the charge and set the standard. We expect everyone to display his or her best behavior in all respects. I HAVE MADE PROMISES TO UAPB CONCERNING PROPERTY AND SAFETY ISSUES AND WE ARE EQUIPPED TO MANAGE THIS TOURNAMENT. PLEASE REVIEW THE ARDI CODE OF CONDUCT WITH YOUR TEAM AND THEIR PARENTS BEFORE YOU ARRIVE AT UAPB.

2. State Tournament is a process that determines which teams are eligible to advance to Global Finals. Two key elements of this process are: a team?s Final Scores and a Team?s ability to perform and compete at the next level. Advancing to Global Finals is a rigorous exercise in finance and time management. If you remotely consider your team a contender for advancing to Global Finals, you must come to State Tournament prepared to confirm your team?s ability to attend and perform at that tournament. Each team that wins advancement must be represented at the going to Globals meeting at the end of Closing Ceremonies. The Tournament Process is NOT over on Saturday: it will run until we have filled our complement of Global Finals Tournament slots. Do not throw your props away: you may need them!

3. Closing Ceremonies is a Celebration of Accomplishments: it is the venue we use to honor the efforts of all our children and efforts of the volunteers who make this Program possible. I consider it rude and a display of bad character when people leave during the ceremony. If you cannot stay for the entire ceremony don?t enter the arena. Any Wild Cards will be announced at the very end of the ceremony and you must be present to win. Please advise your people: we expect to start the ceremony around 4:30 PM and we expect to be finished around 6:00 PM. Go to the restroom before we start!

4. State Tournament Final Scores will be posted to the ARDI website AFTER the tournament results are re-confirmed. I expect the post to be up some time Monday, March 14, 2016.

5. Prepare NOW: bring whatever materials and equipment you will need to clean up after your team. If your team props are ?shedding? or otherwise leaving evidence of their presence, you must clean all affected areas. This includes but is not limited to hallways, storage areas and performance areas.

Reminders - Before You Depart for Tournament:

1. Have multiple sets of your tournament forms. The forms are interactive and are to be completed by team members: see Rules of the Road for specifics. The Declaration of Independence form must list your team members' names. DO NOTapply signatures until you arrive at your challenge site prep table. ONLY the team members performing that day may apply their signature and receive Certificates, Ribbons and or Medals. Each tournament requires a new set of paperwork.
2. Bring a prop repair kit.
3. Depending on weather, bring plastic to protect props.
4. Alert your entourage, parents and guests, to your performance schedule and to the sites maps. Tell them NOW that they CANNOT go into IC but they are welcome to visit all Central Challenge performance sites.
5. Bring lunch money. The campus cafeteria will be open but you are free to leave and return to campus as your schedule permits.
6. If you are doing challenge E, you MUST make your weigh-in time: check your tournament schedule posted on the ARDI website.
7. DO NOT bring or wear apparel or accessories that violates any trademark or copyright. If you have questions about what is OK, call me.
8. Registration desk will open at 7 AM for State Tournament.
9. Wear your name ID.

Reminders - After You Arrive at Tournament:

1. When you arrive at UAPB, your first stop MUSTbe registration at the HPER Complex. This area will be noted on tournament sites maps: follow the blue primary route.
3. Storage space may be limited: DO NOT unload your props too early.
4. DO NOT park in loading / unloading zones. Read the sites maps to know where the entrance and exits are for your challenge.
5. As a team manager, you are responsible for the safety and behavior of your team members. We are guests on this campus and we will enforce the ARDI Code of Conduct.
6. Parents can help load / unload and transport props to and from the challenge site. See the prep appraiser for details.
7. Your team will emulate your mood: stay positive and encourage your team to do their best.
8. Medals, ribbons and certificates will be issued ONLY to performing team members.
9. ONLY performing Team Members are allowed into the IC performance room. Team Managers are encouraged to rejoin their team and meet shortly with them in the Chill Out Room.

Good luck to your teams, take time to have fun and be safe in your travels.
Mike Mitchell, Director
Arkansas Destination Imagination
105 Midland ST
Bismarck, AR 71929

reff : http://arkansasdi.blogspot.com/2016/03/ardi-team-manager-alert-3-4-16.html