Salam persahabatan buat Sobat semua !, kabar baik tentunya bagi Sobat semua. Sekarang kita akan mengulas tentang Volkskrant nl (work)."
Source :
3 weeks ago I was in the Ukraine,
where i created three different photographic materials
for Volkskrant newspaper
Last� material came� few days ago and relates to the extraction of gas in Donieck and Boreslawiec
I hope to come back to Ukraine soon.�
"where i created three different photographic materials
for Volkskrant newspaper
Last� material came� few days ago and relates to the extraction of gas in Donieck and Boreslawiec
I hope to come back to Ukraine soon.�
Source :
         Demikianlah yang dapat saya sampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini, dengan penuh harapan semoga kita semua dapat mengambil intisari dari pembahasan Volkskrant nl (work) ini. Kurang lebih nya kami mohon maaf.
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