Salam persaudaraan buat sobat blogger semua, harapan saya semoga sahabat semua selalu dalam keadaaan yang makmur dan sejahtera. Kali ini kita akan membuka tema tentang General Conditions To Be RELA Member."
General conditions to be a RELA member
Source :

General conditions to be a RELA member
- Malaysian Citizen
- Must be above 16 years old for woman and above 17 years old for man
- Health
- Federal Court and High Court Judges.
- Cabinet Ministers and members of any Parliamentary Council.
- Members to any Executive Council or any Legislative Assembly as defined in the Constitution.
- Diplomats or accredited Consul and diplomatic and consul employees that do not domicile in Malaysia.
- Employees working in Government Services of whichever Commonwealth member other than from Malaysia and who are in Malaysia solely by their reason of working in the service.
- Members who are serving in the Federal Military Force.
- Members who are serving in the Royal Malaysian Navy Volunteer Force
- Local Defence Team, Royal Malaysian Air Force Volunteers,
- Police Force Members.
- Mentally disturbed people as perceived under whichever effective written laws in Malaysia.
- Persons who are certified as blind by registered medical practitioner.
- Fire Brigade members as maintained under any effective written laws in Malaysia.
- Whichever other person or any other groups that are exempted of these rules by the Minister�s order.
Source :
         Akhirnya tiada kata yang paling indah kecuali puji syukur alhamdulillah pada Allah atas berjuta nikmat yang tercurah pada kami. Semoga dengan kupasan tentang bahasan ini bisa memberikan nilai dan kesungguhan dalam belajar. Mungkin cukup sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan mengenai General Conditions To Be RELA Member, ada kurang lebihnya serta kesalahan ucap baik yang saya sengaja atau tidak, saya mohon maaf.
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