Salam hangat buat Sobat semua !, saya slalu berdo'a smoga Sobat semua akan slalu bahagia dan sehat slamanya. Berikut ini kita akan membicarakan tentang Kay KE-20 Solid Body Electric Guitar from the 1980s."

For some reason part of my brain cannot believe that Kay made guitars after the 1960s. I know that they did and there is a lot of evidence to prove it.
Exhibit A: This gorgeous KE-20 from 1985. Simple and dare I say, elegant. Especially considering the usual pointyness of the era. I love the subtle nod to a Teisco Tulip as well.
Shame the seller only took 2 pictures to share
R.W. Haller
� 2015, Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - the blog that goes all the way to 11!
Please read our photo and content policy. "
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For some reason part of my brain cannot believe that Kay made guitars after the 1960s. I know that they did and there is a lot of evidence to prove it.
Exhibit A: This gorgeous KE-20 from 1985. Simple and dare I say, elegant. Especially considering the usual pointyness of the era. I love the subtle nod to a Teisco Tulip as well.
Shame the seller only took 2 pictures to share
R.W. Haller
� 2015, Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - the blog that goes all the way to 11!
Please read our photo and content policy. "
Source :
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