Selamat bertemu kembali Sobat semua !, saya harap Sobat semua masih dalam keaadaan sehat dan bahagia. Dalam kesempatan ini kita akan mengupas tentang HOW TO TAKE CARE YOUR SURFBOARD."
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Your surfboard is alive when its on the water, you treat her more than your girl friend. When its end up and broken, suddenly you�ll be broken heart. And you might think twice to back with her again in the water. I just want to say that now your surfboard has been changed and different. Take care your surfboard treat like a part of family. It�s the savior when you wiped out.
-��������� Wash after session�
� washing with fresh water gonna make your surfboard live longer. Its protect from the salt water. Salt water is might changed the color of surfboard slowly faded not white anymore it turns into yellow.
-��������� Don�t put directly under sunshine�
� yup you don�t want your surfboard like nut skin, the high temperature from the sunshine might turn your surfboard Styrofoam less strong, when you surf out again to the sea for the last four time, you�ll see your floor track left on the deck of the surfboard. Its not okey anyway. Its disturb your balance when you�re in the water.
-��������� Make sure to lay the bottom up�
� why ?? exactly the bottom of surfboard directly in contact on the water, be sure to keep the bottom as good as shaper give you at the first time. Your speed, power and cut back is depend on bottom surfboard quality. That�s why the professional surfer always cover the surfboard and protect the bottom.
-��������� Put soft base cover in standing�
� when you back home or hotel and you saved in standing be sure to check the floor in longterm effect it could be damage of crush. Its better if you put some soft material on it. You�ll never know when you back to hotel and you get drunk suddenly step on it or clamp on it. When you wake in tomorrow morning you�ll find your surfboard like hell. You missed the day for surf.
-��������� Directly fix it if ding crack or broken�
� ding can not fix by it self we have to take it to artshop or you have to fix it. Or the broken ding getting bigger it might let the water come inside your surfboard. Not good at all
-��������� It�s a surfboard not a book be careful�
� surf trip is the best way to finish your thirsty of wave, but be careful with your surfboard the journey may take more than 2 hours or more. If you just put it and pack it like the book the bottom surfboard will be in danger situation. You�ll see the mark of the heavy of another surfboard left on it. Better if you go� surf trip save the surfboard inside the bag cover.
That the simple ways to keep your surfboard longer. Keep surf and love the ocean and welcome to Indonesia.
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-�tips untuk surfer traveler
-�petunjuk bermain surfing
-�sawarna surf tour 7d6n
-�liburan sekolah dengan berselancar
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