Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Watershed Development Program

The Local Government Unit of Bacong is embarking on a no nonsense contribution for a Green Environment, the Watershed Development Program. This program is part of our Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and requires 120 ha Tree Planting on a 12 kilometer stretch of rivers like Lawigan, Malangwa, Tubod, Buntis and their 20 meter public easement on both sides.
This activity started on August 7, 2010 and shall continue every saturday until completed by the by the LGU Employees and Officials headed by the Local Chief Executive.
Breakdown of Trees Planted
August 7, 2010 - 400 trees
August 14, 2010, - 200 trees
August 21, 2010 - 200 trees
September 4, 2010 -100 trees
September 11, 2010 - 50 trees
September 18, 2010 - 50 trees
September 25, 2010 - 100 trees
Before the formal start of tree planting activities by the LGU, NGO's PO's started planting on the area ACSAT 100 trees, Cuernos De Negros Mountaineering Club 100 trees, and SPI 100 trees.
All seedlings/planting materials were provided by the LGU.
Tree Planting Policies Adapted;
-All tree planting activities in the Public Lands mentioned shall be documented at the LGU Mayor's Office/MPDO
-Planting materials shall be provided by the LGU to make sure all planted trees are endemic.
-Tree planters shall bring 1 bamboo stick for each tree planted at least 1 meter long as tree marker for monitoring purposes.
-Weekly monitoring and maintenance will be executed by the LGU for the seedlings.
This program would take the LGU quite some time to finish and will be visible in about 10 years
for our next generation to benefit and make the Municipality of Bacong a better place to live in...

reff : http://baconganon.blogspot.com/2010/09/watershed-development-program.html

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