Hallo sobat blogger semua !, pastinya dalam kondisi yang sehat wal'afiat bukan sobat semua ? Amiin. Kita akan mencoba mengangkat bahasan tentang Thomas M. Cooley Law School�s Milestone: For the July 2014 Test, 55% of the Commode�s First Time Takers Pass the Michigan Bar Exam! ."
The results: Here is the table from the State Bar of Michigan blog. Overall, 769 people took the Michigan bar exam for the first time in July 2014. Of this amount, 73% passed, i.e. 563 men and women. In total, 953 souls sat for the exam, with 604 � or 63 percent - passing.
Now, let�s look at the fourth tier cesspool�s numbers. Seeing that this filthy excrement pile has such large classes, no one should be surprised that 199 Cooley grads sat for the July 2014 Michigan bar exam. Only 55% passed, however. A total of 89 idiots failed the exam. What do you expect from a noTTTToriou$, noxious piece of waste?!?!
Overall, 317 TTTThoma$ M. Cooley Law Sewer grads sat for the July 2014 state bar exam. Only 140 of them became eligible to be licensed in the state of Michigan. That represents a total bar passage rate of 44 percent! Why is this sickening garbage heap still accredited?!?! Could you imagine if any U.S. medical school featured similar results on board exams?!�
Moving On Up, to the East Side: As embarrassing as these numbers are, they actually are a major improvement over last year. Apparently, the law school pigs have put some effort into teaching to the exam.�
According to the State Bar of Michigan blog entry from November 1, 2013, entitled �Michigan Bar Exam: Pre-Appeals Pass Rate is 60 Percent,� Cooley did much worse last year. Read the following:
�The Michigan Board of Law examiners released its complete list of pre-appeals statistics for the July 2013 exam this afternoon, and 60 percent of exam-takers passed. More precisely, 1,007 people took the exam, and 600 passed, while 407 failed.�
A breakdown of pass-fail rates by law school was included.�
Thomas M. Cooley: 43 percent passed, 57 percent failed.�
Michigan State University: 74 percent passed, 26 percent failed.�
University of Detroit Mercy: 52 percent passed, 48 percent failed.�
University of Michigan: 94 percent passed, 6 percent failed.�
Wayne State University: 67 percent passed, 33 percent failed.�
University of Toledo: 65 percent passed, 35 percent failed.�
Others: 72 percent passed, 28 percent failed.� [Emphasis in original]
What was your immediate response, reader? Perhaps, you thought to yourself �How in the hell was this worthless pile of buffalo dung not at least placed on probation by the ABA?!?!� Well, it has long been established that the American Bar Association cockroaches are only concerned with Biglaw, i.e. they don�t care about small-time attorneys, solo practitioners, or students.
Cooley�s numbers for the July 2013 Michigan bar exam were very impressive, huh?!?! Hell, I�m surprised that the �school� didn�t strut its stuff in a big-ass news bulletin on its TTTT website.�
Tuition: The �We$TTTTern Michigan Univer$iTTTTy� TTTThoma$ M. Cooley Law Sewer stills sees fit to set its full-time tuition rate at $44,950. As you can see from the pass rates above, this bill is in no way tied to the job prospects for recent graduates of this commode.�
The Campaign: Check out this piece, from Cooley student newspaper staff writer Dalton Carty. It was labeled �Assessments: The New Standard at Cooley and Perhaps All Law Schools.� From the opening:
�In January 2014, Thomas Cooley Law School implemented a change that may have shocked some people. Cooley�s leadership decided it was time to require multiple term assessments for all students. The decision affected students on all Cooley campuses and was conveyed to many on the first day of class leaving some to wonder why they were needed. This article attempts to address that question.�
In a February 2014 interview, Dean of Faculty Charles Cercone and Dean of Planning, Assessment, and Accreditation Laura LeDuc said Cooley had been contending with increased low bar pass rates and diminished student GPA�s for some time. The assessments were initiated to combat those concerns with the hope that students who practice more will ultimately do better not only on the bar exam and in law school, but also as lawyers. They stated this was the purpose of the assessments and hoped all students understood the assessments were to help them achieve their goals.� [Emphasis mine]
Evidently, the trash pit did institute some measures to improve bar passage rates. And of course, the rodents did so not out of $elf-intere$t � but to help student reach their professional goals. Yeah, sure that�s the case � and Sofia Vergara just locked her ankles around my waist.
Conclusion: Do not even consider applying to this particular school, morons! If you want to be a lawyer so badly that you will even attend the school with the worst reputation among all ABA-approved institutions, then you clearly have severe problems. This is not the NBA, where playing for the worst team signifies a real accomplishment � not to mention making bank.�
In the final analysis, YOU need to look out for your best interests. No one else will do that for you. Do you think � for one damn millisecond � that the �law professors� and administrators at Thomas M. Cooley Law Sewer or any other law school care about you or your future?!?! They simply want more asses in seats, so that they can get their grubby hooves and snouts on all that federally-backed student loan money. If you died in a car accident after your last final, the pigs would not be concerned � as long as you signed the promissory note beforehand."
Source : http://thirdtierreality.blogspot.com/2014/11/thomas-m-cooley-law-schools-milestone.html
The results: Here is the table from the State Bar of Michigan blog. Overall, 769 people took the Michigan bar exam for the first time in July 2014. Of this amount, 73% passed, i.e. 563 men and women. In total, 953 souls sat for the exam, with 604 � or 63 percent - passing.
Now, let�s look at the fourth tier cesspool�s numbers. Seeing that this filthy excrement pile has such large classes, no one should be surprised that 199 Cooley grads sat for the July 2014 Michigan bar exam. Only 55% passed, however. A total of 89 idiots failed the exam. What do you expect from a noTTTToriou$, noxious piece of waste?!?!
Overall, 317 TTTThoma$ M. Cooley Law Sewer grads sat for the July 2014 state bar exam. Only 140 of them became eligible to be licensed in the state of Michigan. That represents a total bar passage rate of 44 percent! Why is this sickening garbage heap still accredited?!?! Could you imagine if any U.S. medical school featured similar results on board exams?!�
Moving On Up, to the East Side: As embarrassing as these numbers are, they actually are a major improvement over last year. Apparently, the law school pigs have put some effort into teaching to the exam.�
According to the State Bar of Michigan blog entry from November 1, 2013, entitled �Michigan Bar Exam: Pre-Appeals Pass Rate is 60 Percent,� Cooley did much worse last year. Read the following:
�The Michigan Board of Law examiners released its complete list of pre-appeals statistics for the July 2013 exam this afternoon, and 60 percent of exam-takers passed. More precisely, 1,007 people took the exam, and 600 passed, while 407 failed.�
A breakdown of pass-fail rates by law school was included.�
Thomas M. Cooley: 43 percent passed, 57 percent failed.�
Michigan State University: 74 percent passed, 26 percent failed.�
University of Detroit Mercy: 52 percent passed, 48 percent failed.�
University of Michigan: 94 percent passed, 6 percent failed.�
Wayne State University: 67 percent passed, 33 percent failed.�
University of Toledo: 65 percent passed, 35 percent failed.�
Others: 72 percent passed, 28 percent failed.� [Emphasis in original]
What was your immediate response, reader? Perhaps, you thought to yourself �How in the hell was this worthless pile of buffalo dung not at least placed on probation by the ABA?!?!� Well, it has long been established that the American Bar Association cockroaches are only concerned with Biglaw, i.e. they don�t care about small-time attorneys, solo practitioners, or students.
Cooley�s numbers for the July 2013 Michigan bar exam were very impressive, huh?!?! Hell, I�m surprised that the �school� didn�t strut its stuff in a big-ass news bulletin on its TTTT website.�
Tuition: The �We$TTTTern Michigan Univer$iTTTTy� TTTThoma$ M. Cooley Law Sewer stills sees fit to set its full-time tuition rate at $44,950. As you can see from the pass rates above, this bill is in no way tied to the job prospects for recent graduates of this commode.�
The Campaign: Check out this piece, from Cooley student newspaper staff writer Dalton Carty. It was labeled �Assessments: The New Standard at Cooley and Perhaps All Law Schools.� From the opening:
�In January 2014, Thomas Cooley Law School implemented a change that may have shocked some people. Cooley�s leadership decided it was time to require multiple term assessments for all students. The decision affected students on all Cooley campuses and was conveyed to many on the first day of class leaving some to wonder why they were needed. This article attempts to address that question.�
In a February 2014 interview, Dean of Faculty Charles Cercone and Dean of Planning, Assessment, and Accreditation Laura LeDuc said Cooley had been contending with increased low bar pass rates and diminished student GPA�s for some time. The assessments were initiated to combat those concerns with the hope that students who practice more will ultimately do better not only on the bar exam and in law school, but also as lawyers. They stated this was the purpose of the assessments and hoped all students understood the assessments were to help them achieve their goals.� [Emphasis mine]
Evidently, the trash pit did institute some measures to improve bar passage rates. And of course, the rodents did so not out of $elf-intere$t � but to help student reach their professional goals. Yeah, sure that�s the case � and Sofia Vergara just locked her ankles around my waist.
Conclusion: Do not even consider applying to this particular school, morons! If you want to be a lawyer so badly that you will even attend the school with the worst reputation among all ABA-approved institutions, then you clearly have severe problems. This is not the NBA, where playing for the worst team signifies a real accomplishment � not to mention making bank.�
In the final analysis, YOU need to look out for your best interests. No one else will do that for you. Do you think � for one damn millisecond � that the �law professors� and administrators at Thomas M. Cooley Law Sewer or any other law school care about you or your future?!?! They simply want more asses in seats, so that they can get their grubby hooves and snouts on all that federally-backed student loan money. If you died in a car accident after your last final, the pigs would not be concerned � as long as you signed the promissory note beforehand."
Source : http://thirdtierreality.blogspot.com/2014/11/thomas-m-cooley-law-schools-milestone.html
         Demikianlah yang dapat kami sampaikan mengenai Thomas M. Cooley Law School�s Milestone: For the July 2014 Test, 55% of the Commode�s First Time Takers Pass the Michigan Bar Exam! yang menjadi bahasan kita kali ini, tentunya banyak kekurangan dan kelemahan kerena terbatasnya pengetahuan saya dan banyak berharap kepada para pembaca yang budiman untuk memberikan kritik saran kepada saya. Semoga tulisan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi saya khususnya dan para pembaca. Aamiin !
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