School, a place which majority children hates in their childhood (as I used to.. ;) ), but always miss those precious and joyous moments throughout their life once they are grown up. It is the place where we learn many important lessons of our life and make many amazing friends. We usually hate our teachers during our school life, but then we realize they play vital role to our career development and help us to be a good person.
Parents, who also get too much tensed when our school starts, especially mom. She has lot of tasks to accomplish to send us school on time. She has to get up early, prepare our dresses, shoes, breakfast, school bag and the most difficult task, wake us up early in the morning (which is the thing a person hates throughout his lifetime ;) ).
Today, on 28th June, 2013, my nephew and niece Shrey-Shreeya started this wonderful journey of their life. They look very enthusiastic to start this new and amazing journey. I, along with their aunt, mom and dad wish they enjoy this journey through and wish them very best of luck.
Source :
         Kiranya cukup sampai disini sedikit ulasan tentang Stepping towards a special journey of life. yang dapat saya sampaikan. Untuk segala kesalahan dan tutur kata yang kurang berkenan dihati sobat semua, baik yang saya sengaja maupun tidak, saya mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya.
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