I honestly think I needed to just say out loud how I was feeling. Somehow after yesterdays blog post I just felt lighter, I felt lifted. Whew. Hopefully this means that the dark space is lifting.
Ate disgustingly yesterday - Chinese food is completely not banting focused - and I tried to eat as much as I could of the good stuff - but still, soaked in oil, gross and just not for me. Guess I learn the hard way. Back on the wagon this morning, so all is well. Need to really eat some clean food for the next few weeks and detox.
Source : http://paleowithyourfood.blogspot.com/2014/02/sometimes-you-just-need-to-let-off.html
         Akhirnya tiada kata yang paling indah kecuali puji syukur alhamdulillah pada Allah atas berjuta nikmat yang tercurah pada kami. Semoga dengan kupasan tentang bahasan ini bisa memberikan nilai dan kesungguhan dalam belajar. Mungkin cukup sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan mengenai Sometimes you just need to let off a little steam, ada kurang lebihnya serta kesalahan ucap baik yang saya sengaja atau tidak, saya mohon maaf.
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