Hai! Apa kabar Sobat semua? Saya yakin Anda sehat. Jika tidak, smoga Sobat lekas sembuh dari penyakitnya? Kali ini kita akan membuka tema tentang Rep. Brady Takes Oath of Office for 99th General Assembly."
� Representative Brady encourages residents of the 105thdistrict to contact him with questions or concerns as the session moves forward. Representative Brady�s Normal district office can be contacted at (309) 662-1100, and he can be reached via e-mail at dan@rep-danbrady.com.�� Constituents can also visit his legislative website at www.rep-danbrady.com.
� Rep. Brady represents parts of McLean and Livingston Counties, including a large portion of the Bloomington/Normal metropolitan area. "
Source : http://www.rep-danbrady.com/2015/02/rep-brady-takes-oath-of-office-for-99th.html
Before family and friends State Representative Dan Brady (R-Bloomington) today took the oath of office to represent the 105th House district in the new 99th General Assembly.
House members were sworn in at noon Wednesday at Sangamon Auditorium at the University of Illinois at Springfield. The new 99th General Assembly will serve until January 2017. Representative Brady, who is beginning his 8thterm representing local communities in the Illinois House, said this year truly has the feel of a �new beginning�
�It is truly an honor to serve my constituents here in Central Illinois,� said Representative Brady. �We have a new Governor who has pledged to take a vastly different approach than his recent predecessors on our two biggest challenges: getting our economy and budget back on track, and growing jobs. I am anxious to hear his plans in greater detail in his upcoming state of the state and budget addresses, and I am ready to get to work with him on solutions.�
Source : http://www.rep-danbrady.com/2015/02/rep-brady-takes-oath-of-office-for-99th.html
         Akhirnya tiada kata yang paling indah kecuali puji syukur alhamdulillah pada Allah atas berjuta nikmat yang tercurah pada kami. Semoga dengan kupasan tentang bahasan ini bisa memberikan nilai dan kesungguhan dalam belajar. Mungkin cukup sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan mengenai Rep. Brady Takes Oath of Office for 99th General Assembly, ada kurang lebihnya serta kesalahan ucap baik yang saya sengaja atau tidak, saya mohon maaf.
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