Salam hangat buat Sobat semua !, saya slalu berdo'a smoga Sobat semua akan slalu bahagia dan sehat slamanya. Berikut ini kita akan membicarakan tentang ONE- DISH DINNER FOR TONIGHT - ASSAM FISH CURRY - KARI IKAN TENGGIRI MASAK ASAM PEDAS."
From the wok to the bowl - tonight not really in the mood to cook few dishes so the menu for my dinner was Assam Fish Curry.

What about you? What did you have for your dinner just now? Do share the recipe with me yar if you have!! Thanks."
Source :

From the wok to the bowl - tonight not really in the mood to cook few dishes so the menu for my dinner was Assam Fish Curry.

What about you? What did you have for your dinner just now? Do share the recipe with me yar if you have!! Thanks."
Source :
Terucap salam dari bibir
Yang dipenuhi buih
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Terdengar lirih bergemetar
Dan hampir meruntuh
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Sekian dan terima kasih
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