Selamat bertemu kembali Sobat semua !, saya harap Sobat semua masih dalam keaadaan sehat dan bahagia. Dalam kesempatan ini kita akan mengupas tentang Never Forget Pat Tillman."On Sunday, we play the Super Bowl.
One player who will not be on the field is Pat Tillman.
Not too long after 9/11, he walked away from a multi-million dollar NFL salary with the Cardinals to serve in an elite unit in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He was killed in 2004 serving America.
Never forget Pat Tillman.
eric aka the Tygrrrr Express"
Source :
One player who will not be on the field is Pat Tillman.
Not too long after 9/11, he walked away from a multi-million dollar NFL salary with the Cardinals to serve in an elite unit in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He was killed in 2004 serving America.
Never forget Pat Tillman.
eric aka the Tygrrrr Express"
Source :
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