Selamat berjumpa lagi dngan saya sobat semua, semoga sobat semua dalam suasana yang berbahagia dan sejahtera. Marilah sejenak kita merenungkan tentang Nagoya Garuda Health Club."
I am greatly pleased to announce the formation of Nagoya Garuda Health Club. The purpose of the above named club is to introduce wide Japanese as well as the international public to ancient methods of health preservation and self healing and to develop and nurture a strong energetic connection between our bodies, mind and spirit. We will talk and learn about three main lineages of exercises, One being Traditional Chinese Qigong/Chi Kung practice, Traditional Vedic Yoga exercises and finally Traditional Indonesian health preserving arts. To put it in simple terms: 1. Qigong line 2. Yoga line 3. Tenaga Dalam line All of these techniques are considered to be internal practices meaning even though they deal with physical movements their mutual place of meeting remains internal or spiritual or meditational if you will. We are not limited to any religion, nationality or creed and anyone with a genuine interest and heart of sincerity can join and learn how to improve his/her health, spirit, energy and personality. We will deal with breathing exercises, calisthenic and in advanced levels some of the secretive meditational practices. The benefits of these exercises are multifold beginning with physical and mental wellbeing improving greatly after regular practice, Cleaning our organism of all negative toxins,increasing the lung capacity and becoming very sensitive to our surrounding to the level that we start feeling energetic connection with every object and person that we come in touch with. In subsequent stages we will cover the ways of mental or spiritual or energetic self-defence as well which comes naturally as we clear our body of various energetic blockades and limitations. We are not limited by space since some of these exercises require natural surrounding and since japanese apartments are known to be smaller in size, our primary places of meeting will be out in the nature, Parks throughout nagoya and later on that might change if there is a growing interest in this subject. For those wishing to know more i warmly recommend visit to my other blog:
and please feel free to checkout my youtube channel
Harry Eldridge
Source :
and please feel free to checkout my youtube channel
Harry Eldridge
Source :
         Demikianlah yang dapat saya sampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini, dengan penuh harapan semoga kita semua dapat mengambil intisari dari pembahasan Nagoya Garuda Health Club ini. Kurang lebih nya kami mohon maaf.
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