Selamat bertemu kembali Sobat semua !, saya harap Sobat semua masih dalam keaadaan sehat dan bahagia. Dalam kesempatan ini kita akan mengupas tentang Gold and Silver Derivatives in Chart Form: What Market Makers Have Controlling Interests?."Here are a few charts from Sharelynx Gold regarding precious metal derivative holdings. The charts are as September 30, the latest data available. Click on any chart for sharper image.
OCC Gold Derivatives All Maturities

OCC Silver, Palladium, Platinum Derivatives All Maturities

Aggregate Precious Metal Derivatives

Some will point to these charts as "proof" of manipulation. I suggest it is proof of "possible" manipulation.
Is there manipulation? Of course there is. But there is no evidence to prove it is in one direction only, or that central banks are behind it all, as some maintain.
For further discussion, please see Gold Manipulation: Is it Illegal? Risk Free? What About JP Morgan?
As always, views expressed regarding charts created by others, are mine.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock "
Source :
OCC Gold Derivatives All Maturities

OCC Silver, Palladium, Platinum Derivatives All Maturities

Aggregate Precious Metal Derivatives

Some will point to these charts as "proof" of manipulation. I suggest it is proof of "possible" manipulation.
Is there manipulation? Of course there is. But there is no evidence to prove it is in one direction only, or that central banks are behind it all, as some maintain.
For further discussion, please see Gold Manipulation: Is it Illegal? Risk Free? What About JP Morgan?
As always, views expressed regarding charts created by others, are mine.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock "
Source :
         Kiranya cukup sampai disini sedikit ulasan tentang Gold and Silver Derivatives in Chart Form: What Market Makers Have Controlling Interests? yang dapat saya sampaikan. Untuk segala kesalahan dan tutur kata yang kurang berkenan dihati sobat semua, baik yang saya sengaja maupun tidak, saya mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya.
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