Salam sejahtera buat sobat semuanya, semoga selalu diberi kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan yang abadi. Hari ini kita akan mencoba membahas tentang Apply For UBA Foundation 2nd National Essay Competiton(2012)."
The UBA Foundation Annual National Essay Competition is here again.This is the 2nd of its kind and as usual,is offering another opportunity for Senior Secondary school students in Nigeria to win university educational grants.
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This follows the commencement of the UBA Foundation National Essay Competition among senior secondary school students, organized by the Corporate Social Responsibility arm of the United Bank for Africa (UBA), where up to 2.25million naira will be given to three winners.
Applicants must be senior secondary school students in Nigerian Secondary schools.
UBA Essay Competition Topic
As an African President, what would your plans be for the educational sector
Entry Requirements
- Applicants must attach copies of their original birth certificates or photocopies of international passport data page.
- Applicants should send in hand written essay entries of not more than 750 words on the competition topic.
- Applicants must submit their contact information (school name & address, residential address, phone number and email address)
- Applicants may only send in entries if they intend to attend a Nigerian University
The three winning finalists, who will be selected by a panel of three Nigerian professors, will get educational grants to study in African universities of their choice.
Winner � N1,000,000 towards university tuition/fees and a laptop
1st runner-up � N750,000 towards university tuition/fees and a laptop
2nd runner-up � N500,000 towards university tuition/fees and a laptop
Consolation Prizes will be given to the finalists
How to Submit Entry
Entries should be sent to:
UBA Foundation
Marketing & Corporate Relations Division
UNited Bank for Africa Plc | UBA House (3rd FLoor)
57 Marina, Lagos, Nigeria
Entry Deadline
Closing Date for Entries is 2 November 2012
Please note that terms and conditions guiding the competition shall apply to all winners. The decision of the judges is final.
For more info,go to their website @
Source :
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